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Table of Contents


The CDR section allows you to view detailed information about all calls. The information in this section is synchronized with the Webitel telephony server.




Leg A, Leg BWhen a call is made to a phone number, from the point of view of the switch (commutator), there are two parts to the call.
  • Leg A — call initiator
  • Leg B — call destination

1. Adding the "CDR" section to the "Contact Center" workplace. 

To display the CDR section (Fig. 1), you need to select the "Settings" menu (1), and go to the "System Designer" (2).


After that, you need to refresh the page in the browser. The CDR section (1) will appear on the left side of the section panel (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6. CDR Section.

2. Overview of the details of the calls in the CDR section.

After opening the CDR section, a register of all calls will be displayed, information about which the system receives from Webitel. You can open any recording, delete it, or listen to the recording of the conversation (see section 4 "Listening to the audio record of the call in the CDR section" and section 5 "Deleting a call record"). To view detailed information about a call (Fig. 7), open the CDR section and select the call of interest from the list. After clicking the "Open" button (1), the call recording page will open.


Fig. 7. List of calls in CDR.

3. Call recording page.

All information about the call is available on the page of the record (Fig. 8).


Fig. 8. Sections on the call recording page.

3.1. Record profile.

The main information about the call is placed in the recording profile (Fig. 9).








Caller's phone number



Internal user number

3Destination numberLine


External number called by the customer




Call direction. May be:

  • incoming;
  • outgoing.

Created by

LookupDirectory: Contact

Caller's contact

6Created time WebitelDate/Time


The time the call was made
7Connection timeDate/Time


Operator connection time
8Response timeDate/Time


The time when the communication from.number and to.number took place
9Hang up timeDate/Time


Call end time

Fig. 9. Record profile.

3.2. Top field.

The top field of the record page contains information (Fig. 10):





Hang up initiator


Directory: Contact

Depending on who ended the call, the field will have the following values:

  • А – call initiator,
  • B – call recipient.
  1. For incoming call: А – Caller, B – Operator;
  2. For an outgoing call: А – Operator, B – Caller;


DirectoryDirectory: ContactThe name of the contact with whom the conversation took place

variable satisfaction

Call rating, received from routing from the telephony system

Reason completion


Description of the reason for ending the call 

5AccountDirectoryDirectory: AccountContractor registered in the database

Fig. 10. Top field.

3.3. Tab bar.

Consists of (Fig. 11):

  1. Main information;
  2. Connected to;
  3. Attachments and notes;
  4. Feed.

Fig. 11. Tab bar.

3.3.1. Tab "Main information".

Tab "Main information" contains information about timing, queue, and variables.


Fig. 14. Detail "Variables".

3.3.2. Tab "Connected to".

Detail fields:






Record title obtained from Webitel
Notes left in the "Files and Notes" tab in a linked post
3Number fromInteger

The number of the subscriber who initiated the call

4Number toInteger
The number of the person who received the call 


Рис. 15. Tab "Connected to".

3.3.3. Tab "Attachments and notes".

Additional information about the call, notes, as well as files and links to web resources for this call.


Рис. 16. Tab "Attachments and notes"

3.3.4. Tab "Feed".

The tab contains section messages related to the current CDR record (Fig. 17). The tab will display all the messages on the CDR feed. It is also possible to write a message. If you want to mention another user in the message, you can type the “@” symbol and start entering the name of the contact. The system will display a list of found records, from which you can select the desired one. After the message is published, a notification will be sent to the mentioned user, which will be displayed on the communication panel. The name of the mentioned contact will be displayed in the message as a link, which, when clicked, will open the contact page.

Рис. 17. Tab "Feed".

4. Listening to the audio record of the call in the CDR section.

To listen to an audio recording of a call, you need to select the call of interest in the CDR section (Fig. 18) and click the "Play" button (1).


Рис. 19. Listening to the recording in the CDR section.

5. Deleting a call record.

To delete a call record from the CDR section, select it (Fig. 20) and click the "Delete" button (1). After confirmation, the recording will be deleted.


Fig. 20. Deleting a call record from CDR

6. Manual update of call information in CDR

You can download information about calls from the telephony system to the CDR section manually by running the "Get Calls Analytics" business process. To do this, in the upper left corner of the page (Fig. 21) you need to click on the "Start process" button (1).


Fig. 22. Launching the "Get calls analytics" business process to manually update information about calls.

7. Automatic update of call information in CDR

The data in the CDR section is downloaded from the Webitel telephony server automatically. The "Get calls analytics" business process runs every 5 minutes by default.