This section describes how to work with incoming chats in the Creatio system using the Webitel Chats product.
Term | Description |
User СRM user | A user of the Creatio system. Such a user cannot make or receive calls or chats from the system. |
User Webitel user | Webitel telephony user. In addition to using CRM, he can already make and manage calls and/or from the CTI communication panel (CTI or communication panel is one of the telephony tools in Creatio CRM. A Webitel user can receive incoming and outgoing calls, both internal and external, and chats directly in the system). |
The operator agent can work both exclusively only with calls and simultaneously process calls and chatsor chats or handle both channels simultaneously. The assignment of agents to handle specific call or chat queues or chats is managed by skills. If the operator agent works with chats and calls, then the call is distributed to him when there is no active chat. AccordinglyRespectively, the chat can be distributed to the operator agent when there is no active call. The operator agent can process either an active call or an active chat.
Chats from clients go get to the incoming chat queue configured on Webitel. Then, they are distributed routed to the operators agents who are assigned to handle this queue. The operator agent can only receive chats if he has the required skill.
After clicking the “Chats” button in the CTI communication panel (Fig. 1), you can view Active (1) or Closed (2) chats.
- Active - to display displays a list of chats that the operator agent is currently processing;
- Closed - to display displays a list of the last 10 closed chats.
Fig. 1. List of chats
Invitation to the chat
Open the chat
To be able to receive chats, an agent must be in the "CallCenter" and "Ready" status. When the chat is routed to a free operatoragent, a chat invitation appears in the CTI communication panel (Fig. 2). To open chatschat, you need to click on the "Chats" button (4), after which a panel will open, where the incoming chat will be displayed on the top with possible actions. Then you can do the following:
- Accept - Opens opens a chat with client messages in the CTI communication panel (Fig. 3);
- Open - Opens a chat card opens a Chat record page with an active "Chat" tab in the workspace (Fig. 4);
- Cancel - The the system distributes the chat to another available operatoragent.
Fig. 2. Invitation window to start chattingto accept an incoming chat
Note: To open a chat card record page in the workspace (Fig. 2), you can click on its "Name" (1).
Fig. 3. Chat in СТІ-the communication panel
Fig. 4. Chat windowrecord page
3. Chat record page
3.1. Interface
The operator agent can process the chat in the CTI-communication panel (Fig. 5 (a)) , while simultaneously processing doing other activities in the workspace at the same time. Also, the operator agent can carry out full-fledged work with the chat by opening its card record page in the workspace (Fig. 5 (b)).
The chat window (Fig. 5 (a, b)) displays a message from the bot (1) (e.g. a welcome message) configured when creating the routing scheme in on Webitel, a client message (2), and an operator agent message (3).
Fig. 5 (а). Chat interface view in CTI-the communication panel
Fig. 5 (b). Chat interface view in the workspace
3.2. Chat
After the operator agent has accepted the chat (Fig. 6), its status state changes to "New" (1).
Status State"In progress":
- It is put down Is set automatically when the operator agent wrote the first message;It is put down
- Is set manually by the operatoragent by clicking on the case bar.
Fig. 6. Chat statusesstates
After the chat is closed (Fig. 7), the status state is automatically set to "Completed" (1).
Fig. 7. Chat with the status state "Completed"
End the chat
After the end of the messaging (Fig. 8), you can close the chat can be closed by clicking on the "End chat" button (1) . After - and confirming it by clicking Yes (2) in the dialog box.
Fig. 8. Ending End a chat
3.4. Action
Using the action panel, the operator agent can see the scheduled tasks and quickly interact with the client: send an email, make a call, and so on. A detailed description of the elements of the action bar panel (Fig. 9) can be viewed at the link here.
Fig. 9. Action bar interface
"Result info" field group
- Result — the operator agent selects a result from the list of existing ones from the directorylookup;
- Result details — the operator agent can enter leave a comment to describe the result in detail.
"Connected to" field group
- Account — is connected with to an accountAccount;
- Contact — substituted is set automatically;
- Activity — associate with the activityis linked to an Activity;
- Case — associate with a caseis linked to a Case.
- "Chat details" tab
Fig. 11. Chat details tab
File attachment icon (1) — allows the operator agent to manually attach the desired file.
Drop-down menu (2) — additional options for attaching information and visualization:
Designed to store additional textual text information about the section entry chat (Fig. 13). In a detail, you can edit and format note text notes using the built-in text formatting tools. Here you can also add an image or an external link to the part. When you switch to another page tab, the information on the "Notes" detail will be saved. To save notes, you need to save the entry.
The feed tab (Fig. 14) contains posts posted by users associated with the entry. This tab contain contains fields, field groups, details, and dashboards.
Fig. 14. "Feed" tab.
3.6 The
record profile
The sidebar record profile (Fig. 15) consists of the following elements:
- From — the contact Contact from which the chat was received;
- To — the contact Contact of the operator agent who processes the chat;
- Source — the source of the chat (telegram/webchat/infobip_whatsapp/viber/messenger);
- Queue — the name of the queue from which the chat was received;
- Start time — when the operator agent accepted the chat;
- End time — when the chat was ended;
- State —new/in progress/completed;
- Name — the name of the chat, with which it is saved in the system;
- Case — allows you to link the chat to an existing caseCase. After clicking, a directory lookup opens where you can find and select an appeala Case, and save it.
Fig. 15. The sidebar
4. Messaging
Send a message in a chat
In order to send a message, after opening the chat (Fig. 16), you need to click on the text input field. In the text input field (1), enter a text message and press the "Send" button (2) or Enter on the keyboard.
It is also possible to add "Emoji" to the message (1).
Fig. 17. Adding Emoji
Send a file in a chat
The operator agent has the ability to both receive files from the client and send them himself in the chat. To send a file, you need to click on the "Attach file" icon (1) in the active chat (Fig. 18), and then select the desired file to send. When the operator agent selects a file, then the system sends a link to the file to the client in the chat and places the link to the file in the "Files and Notes" tab. Also, to attach a file, the operator can use the function of dragging agent can drag-and-drop the desired file into the message sending window.
- Files of .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif formats are displayed to the client with the previouse previous view.
Fig. 18. File attachment iconsicon
Send a message with a quick reply template
On the chat interaction panel (at the bottom of the page in Fig. 19), click on the "Select text" drop-down menu (1), select a template from the list by name (2), send a message by pressing the "Send" button (3) or Enter from the keyboard. The operator, if desired, agent can edit the template text. The process of creating message templates is described in Section 7 "Creating a Quick Response Reply Template".
Fig. 19. Selecting a template for sending in a chat
Run business processes from a chat
record page
During chat processing, the operator agent has the opportunity to start run business processes (Fig. 20). When the operator agent presses the Actions button (1), the system displays a list of available processes to run.
- Follow the feed (2) — allows you to follow the changes made to the chat record;
- Create an casea Case (3) — allows you to start run the basic business process of creating a caseCase. The system writes the created appeal near Case on the field:
- "AppealsCases" in the top panel record profile of the chat card;
- "AppealsCases" of on the "Links" field group;
- Consultation on an existing case (4) — allows you to find and select an existing case Case that was consultedalready registered. The system opens a directory lookup with a list of this contact's callscases.
Fig. 20. Starting business processes from a chat window
When an incoming chat is received, the Creatio system automatically identifies the Contact in the Creatio database. If there are none, then the operator agent can manually fill in the contact information fields by pressing the "User Identification" button (1) (Fig. 21).
In the window that opens (Fig. 22), fill in the information about the client received during the correspondence communication (1), and "Save" (2).
Fig. 22. Filling information about the client
7. Create a
Quick Reply template
To configure templates (Fig. 23), you need to enter the "System Designer" (1)
Next, in the "System Settings" section, you need to open the "Lookups" subsection (2)
Fig. 23. Opening a lookups Lookups subsection in the system designer
To add a new directory lookup in the "Lookups" section, click the "New lookup" button (Fig. 24).
The "Name" field (Fig. 25) must be filled in with the value "Chat Hello Messages", and the "Object" field must be selected from the lookup (1) by entering "Chat Hello Messages" in the search line. Next, you need to click the "Save" button (2).
Next, from the list of available lookups (Fig. 26), select the created "Chat Hello Messages" record, and click the "Open content" button.
Рис. 26. Opening the created lookup
To create a new quick response reply template in the for chat (Fig. 27), you must click the "New" button (1) and fill in the "Name" (2) and "Description" (3) fields. Title - This "Name" is the short name title of the template by which the operator agent can find it in the list of quick responsesreplies. "Description" is the text of the message that will be automatically inserted into the message input field when the operator agent selects the template. To save the created template, you need to click on the "FinishSave" icon (4).
Fig. 27. Creating a quick reply template
The action button bar (Fig. 28) allows you to save the entry record (1), copy it (2), undo the last change (3), and delete the entry record(4).
Fig. 28. Action button bar
8. Chat history (Webitel Chats)
The "Webitel Chats" (1) section allows you to view the history of chats and additional information about the correspondence communication between the operator agent and the client (Fig. 29). To view detailed information about a chat, select it (2) and open it.
Fig. 29. Workplace Contact center, section Webitel chats
Fig. 30. An open chat card record page from the Webitel Chats section