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This section describes an example of creating an outbound automatic call queue of the type "Preview" in the Creatio system using the Telemarketing product.
- CallManager package is installed
- CallCenter package is installed
- Telemarketing package is installed
- "Contact center" workplace has "Dialer" and "Webitel users" sections added
1. Create a dialer
In order to create a new dialer, you need to open "Dialer" section (1) in the "Contact center" workplace and click the button "New" (2) (Fig. 1).
- Name
- Strategy
- Dialer type
- Calendar (must be previously created on Webitel. Learn more about calendars here)
2. Options. Timing
You need to configure timing options for this dialer as well (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Timing
3. Options. Resources
Next you need to add resources, that dialer will use. Resouce group must be previously created on Webitel. You can learn more here.
Fig. 3. Add resources to the dialer
4. Agents
Now you need to add agents who will be handling the calls from this automatic queue. To do so, you need to add the relative skill to the agents you need. In this example, that is the skill "preview_dialer". That skill must be previously created in Webitel (more information here).
Fig. 6. Agents to handle the queue
5. Dialer participants
The dialer is configured. Now you need to add dialer participants. They can be selected from Contacts or from groups of Contacts. Let's add a dynamic group of Contacts, previously created in Creatio (Fig. 7 и Fig. 8).
Fig. 11. Members are uploaded to Webitel
6. Activate the dialer
Dialer is created in Webitel (Fig. 12).
Fig. 14. Call from the dialer is distributed to the agent
7. Add a business process
To process calls from the dialer, you can set up a business process by which the agent can process them. For example, in the basic version of the Telemarketing product, there is a business process by which, when a member connects with an agent, a call post-processing page opens, where the agent can enter the results of the call ("Processed", "No answer", "Call back later"), and leave a comment. If the result is "Call back later", the agent can schedule the next call by selecting the desired call back date and time.
Fig. 16. Business process is added
8. Handle a call by business process
Figure 17 shows the result of a successful call processing.
Fig. 18. Set call back time
9. Get call results
In order for the Creatio system to have up-to-date information on the results of the calls, it is necessary to run the "Update Webitel members" business process (Fig. 19).
Fig. 20. Updated information on dialer participants
10. Add a bucket
To route specific members to a specific agent, you can use the "Bucket" functionality. In this example, calls will only be routed to agent O B.
Now you can upload dialer participants and start working with calls.
11. Set communication option types
Before adding dialer participants, it is necessary to set up the "Communication option types" lookup in Creatio.