Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Description

The page is intended for creating a Dialplan. It is designed to describe dialing rules - which Flow should be executed when dialing a number. The position that determines the order of the check is also important.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Creation tool (Fig.1(1));
  2. Search field (Fig.1(2));
  3. Refresh button (Fig.1(3));
  4. Registry (Fig.1(4));
  5. Pagination (Fig.1(5)).

Fig. 1. Dialplan page

1.1. Creation tool

Use the Add button (Fig.1(1)) to create a new object. Access to the General tab opens after clicking. You can open tabs for an existing Dialplan through the entries editing tool (see paragraph 1.4.8).

1.2. Search field

The search is performed on the Name column.

Include Page
Search field
Search field

1.3. Refresh button

Include Page
Refresh button
Refresh button
(Fig.1 (3)).

1.4. Registry

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Name;
  3. Destination number;
  4. Flow schema;
  5. State;
  6. Position;
  7. Draggable tool;
  8. Editing tool;
  9. Removal tool.

1.4.1. Checkbox

Include Page

Fig. 2. Confirm deletion modal window

1.4.2. Name

The name of the Dialplan is displayed here.

1.4.3. Destination number

This is a regular expression for the dialed phone number.

Consider an example:


This regular expression describes the codes of the Ukrainian mobile operator lifecell.

This operator has three codes: 63, 73, and 93. Users can dial telephone numbers both in the international format +38063ххххххх, in the national format 063ххххххх, and the outdated format: 8063ххххххх.

With the above expression, we close all dialing possibilities.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • ^ - the beginning of the regular expression. This is a required character!
  • \+ - further check for the presence of +, since this is a service character, we escape it with \
  • ? - the question mark means optional. That is, the presence of + in the number is not obligatory;
  • 3? - number 3, the presence is optional;
  • 8? - number 8, the presence is optional;
  • ( - the beginning of the match block. Everything that will be in parentheses goes into service variables and can be used in call routing;
  • 0 - the obligatory presence of the number 0;
  • [679] - one digit from those entered in [ ]. That is either 6, 7, or 9;
  • 3 - the obligatory presence of the number 3;
  • \d - this sign indicates the presence of any digit. The same if it were written in the following way: [0-9] - any one digit from the range from 0 to 9;
  • {7} - the number in { } indicates the number of repetitions of the previous expression. This means that there should be 7 of any digits in total;
  • ) - the ending of the match block;
  • $ - the end of the regular expression. This is a required character!

The expression may also contain the following symbols:

  • | - Or operator. For example, 7|8 - can be 8 or 7 - one digit out of two;
  • {10,12} - the number of repetitions of the previous expression. But, in this case, our range is at least 10 and not more than 12.

If an incorrect regular expression is entered in the field, such as unclosed brackets, the field will be highlighted in red, and the Save button will be inactive.

More information about regular expressions can be found here.

1.4.4. Flow schema

Displays the name of the Flow schema that is used. Clicking on the scheme's name opens this Flow schema's General tab or the graphic constructor.

1.4.5. State

The switch that is responsible for enabling and disabling the Dialplan rule, according to the switch position:

- the rule is enabled;

- the rule is disabled.

1.4.6. Position

The position number where the Dialplan rule resides.


In setting up Dialplan rules, the sequence is essential since, during an outgoing call, the number is checked for each rule from top to bottom.

1.4.7. Draggable tool

You can move the entry to another position by pressing and holding the icon. After changing the position in the entries register, the number in the Position column also varies.

1.4.8. Editing tool

Include Page
Editing tool
Editing tool

1.4.9. Removal tool

Include Page
Removal tool
Removal tool

Fig. 3. Confirm deletion modal window

1.5. Pagination

Include Page

2. Opportunities

2.1. Create a new Dialplan


Create a new Dialplan

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Dialplan section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to create in the Dialplan section.


  1. Click the Add button. The General tab opens.
  2. Enter data. The Save button becomes active.
  3. Click the Save button


Data saved. Dialplan is created

2.2. Delete a Dialplan


Delete a Dialplan

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Dialplan section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Dialplan section;
  4. The presence of at least one Dialplan.


  1. Find the Dialplan you want to delete in the registry entries;
  2. Click on the delete button - . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  3. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. The Dialplan is removed.

2.3. Delete several Dialplans


Delete several Dialplans

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Dialplan section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Dialplan section;
  4. The presence of at least one Dialplan.


  1. Find the Dialplans you want to delete in the registry entries. Select them using the checkbox;
  2. Click on the delete button at the top of the registry. A modal window opens to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. Dialplans are removed.

2.4. Edit a Dialplan


Edit a Dialplan

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Dialplan section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to edit in the Dialplan section;
  4. The presence of at least one Dialplan.


  1. Find the Dialplan you want to edit in the registry entries.
  2. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Dialplan. The General tab opens.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click the Save button.


Data saved.

2.5. Enable/disable Dialplan


Enable a Dialplan

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Dialplan section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select in the Dialplan section;
  4. The presence of at least one Dialplan.


  1. Find the Dialplan you want to enable/disable in the registry entries.
  2. Move the switch in the State column to the active/inactive position.


The Dialplan is enabled/disabled

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