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This section describes the process of creating a dialer (automatic dialing queue) of the "Predictive" type using the Telemarketing product.

Dialer without agent reservation

This mode is fundamentally different from all other methods of outbound calls in its efficiency, due to the fact that the agent is not reserved. The agent connects to the call only at the moment when the called member answered it. In other words, for the agent, an outbound call becomes practically indistinguishable from an incoming call.

A call in predictive dialing mode (or predictive dialing) is initiated by the system. It makes a call to several members from the list at once. If the called subscriber answered, the system quickly connects the agent, otherwise (the number is busy, does not answer, an answering machine signal is detected), in accordance with predefined instructions, it decides whether to retry.
Thus, in the predictive dialing mode, the agent will not receive unproductive calls: he connects to the connection only if the call reached the destination and was answered by the called subscriber. The difficulty lies in the fact that the system must ensure that at the moment when the called member answers, there is a free agent who also has the appropriate skills to handle this particular call.

The dialer determines the number of agents working on a given queue, the average duration of the agent's conversation, and the amount of time that needs to be spent on dialing the numbers to get one connection to a human. Using this information, it predicts how many phone numbers at each particular moment of time need to start to be dialed in order to give the work to those agents who, according to the system's calculations, should be available in the near future.
In other words, if only one out of five calls is expected to be answered by the member, and only one agent is due to be available soon, the system will make five outbound calls. And in this case, with a high probability, one call will be successful. Although, of course, it may be that not a single agent of the required qualification is free, and then the system will put the member into the queue waiting for a free agent for the time specified in the settings. The agent can also hang up the call.

A predictive dialer is used in cases where you need to quickly handle the list of phone numbers, since this type of calling fundamentally reduces the downtime of the agent. That is, there will be no agent who does not receive calls for a long time.

1. Predictive dialer record page

The page consists of: 

  1. Dialer profile;
  2. Page record fields;
  3. Page tabs;
  4. Selected tab details.

Fig. 1. Predictive dialer record page

2. Dialer profile

Here is the basic information about the dialer (Fig. 2). 

Profile fields:




The name of the queue is specified here. The name must be unique.

Created on

Dialer creation time.
3Modified onLast modified time.

Created by

The user who created the dialer. Filled in automatically.

Modified by

The user who made the last change. Filled in automatically.

Fig. 2. Record profile

3. Page record fields

Profile fields:




The ID of the created queue. Filled in automatically.



The strategy of putting the member into the queue. There are the following strategies:

  1. FIFO (First in, first out) – members who are in the queue for the longest time are connected to the agent firstly. When re-entering the queue, the subscriber takes the position taking in account the time of next callback;
  2. LIFO (Last in, first out) – members who have just entered the queue are connected to the agent (the minimum time spent in the queue). When re-entering the queue, the subscriber takes the position taking in account the time of next callback.

Required field.

3Dialer type
  • Preview — outbound campaign that allows an agent to preview a contact before auto-dialling.
  • Predictive —  outbound campaign without agent reservation. The principle of the dialer is that the system, as soon as it sees a free agent, immediately initiates an outgoing call to the member.
  • Progressive — an outgoing call campaign with agent reservation. Its principle of work is that the system first reserves a free agent, and only after that makes a call to the member.
  • Outbound IVR — helps an organization acquire new customers by making automated voice calls using pre-recorded audio files or speech synthesis and recognition technologies. 

Required field.



A team of agents who can receive calls from the current call if they have the appropriate queue skill. If an agent with the required queue skill is part of another team, calls from that queue will not be distributed to that agent.


Reference field for selecting the Creatio business process that will be launched when the agent receives a call from the dialer.

The calendar on which the queue operates.

When you click on the "Calendar" field, a drop-down list opens from which you can select a calendar. 

Calendars must first be created in the Webitel system.

Required field.

7PriorityUsed by a system to determine which diler to use first. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
8ActiveDialer's state. If the check box is not set, the dialer will not work even when the agents are available.

Fig. 3. Page record fields

4. Page tabs

Consists of (Fig. 4):

  1. Options;
  2. Agents;
  3. Skills;
  4. Buckets;
  5. AMD;
  6. Dialer participants;
  7. CDR;
  8. Calls;
  9. Feed.

Fig. 4. Page tabs

4.1. Options

The "Options" tab is used for setting the parameters of Predictive dialer.

  • Деталь "Предиктив" (Рис. 5)

Поля детали:



1Количество одновременных звонков на оператораМаксимально допустимое количество параллельных исходящих звонков, которые могут совершаться с расчета на одного оператора
2Максимальное количество непринятых звонков для прекращения донабора линий

Максимальное количество успешных дозвонов абонентам, которые не принял оператор (оператор не освободился) в рамках одной итерации дозвонов на данного оператора.

После достижения указанного в этой графе количества "потерянных" звонков, система прекращает осуществлять новые наборы абонентов для данного оператора до следующего успешного соединения с абонентом.

3Количество попыток для перехода в предиктивный режимМинимальное количество успешных попыток соединения абонента с оператором, необходимых для сбора статистической информации предиктивного обзвона. До достижения данного показателя, дайлер работает в режиме прогрессивного обзвона.
4Разрешенный % потерянных звонков

Число в этом поле указывает на допустимый процент потерянных звонков (успешные попытки дозвона, которые были приняты абонентом, но не произошло соединение с оператором) относительно общего числа попыток, которые были приняты абонентами.

Если этот процент выше, чем указано значение, предиктивный обзвон сменяется на прогрессивный тип обзвона.

Единица измерения — проценты (%).

5Максимальное время ожиданияМаксимальное время, которое может ожидать абонент на соединение с оператором, после принятия звонка абонентом.
6Возобновлять потерянных абонентовВозможность возобновлять "потерянных" абонентов. При включении этого переключателя абоненты, которые приняли звонок, но не были соединённые с оператором, попадают в список для последующего обзвона.

Рис. 5. Рекомендуемые параметры детали Предиктив

  • Detail "Timing" (Fig. 6)

Profile fields:




Duration of dialing to the member (how long to wait for a response from the subscriber).


Time after which the next call attempt is made
3Sort by descendingCallback to members with a missed call in descending order (according to the amount of time that is counted from the scheduled time of the call to "at the moment").

Waiting for call result

When activated, two more additional fields appear:

  • Postprocessing time (sec) — time for processing the results of the call, which will be added when you click the add time button;
  • Notify to continue (sec) — the time until the end of processing the results of the call, after which the button for adding additional time for processing will appear.

Max calls

The maximum allowed number of simultaneous outgoing calls.

If you set a negative value, then all resources will be used (there will be a limit on the "Number of simultaneous calls per agent").

If the value is 0, no calls will be made.

6Max call attemptsThe number of attempts to reach the memeber is indicated here. If for the specified number of attempts it is not possible to connect to the subscriber, then dialing to such a memeber stops.
7Record conversationResponsible for the possibility of recording a conversation.

Allow greeting agent

Permission to turn on a personal greeting before connecting to an agent. The greeting file is selected from the media resources in the agent's card (it is expected to appear in the interface). 

Fig. 6. Detail "Timing"

  • Detail "Resources" (Fig. 7)




They are used for call centers that use outbound calls (dialers). Specifies what phone lines can be used by dialers.

The resource group must be previously created in the Webitel system.

2Resource group nameFilled in automatically from Webitel.
3DialerThe name of the dialer to which the resource is connected.
4Id in queueFilled in automatically from Webitel.
5Modified onThe date and time the changes were made.

Fig. 7. Detail "Resources"

4.2. Agents

This tab displays the agents who will handle calls. Agents are added automatically based on their skills.



1NameThe name of the agent in the Creatio.
2Webitel userUser registered on Webitel.
3SkillsThe list of skills assigned to this agent.
4DialerThe dialer used for making the calls.

Fig. 8. "Agents" tab information

4.3. Skills

This tab displays the skills required for an agent to handle dialer calls.

To add a new skill (Fig. 9), click on the "+" icon on the Skills detail.

Fig. 9. Adding a new skill

In the window that opens (Fig. 10), select the Skill (1), its Level (2), the field for specifying the minimum / maximum capacity that the agent should have (3,4), Active or not (5). Then Save (6).

Fig. 10. Choosing the skill

Tab fields:



1SkillThe name of the skill.
2Max capacityMax skill capacity.
3Min capacityMin skill capacity.

This displays the level of proficiency in a particular skill.

You can set a value from 1 to 1000. Depending on the level and load, of the selected agents.

The more calls you need to handle, the more agents you need. If there are not enough agents from the first level, agents from the second/next level are used, who have the skill potential indicated for this level.

Level 1 is the highest priority, it's used first.

5EnabledEnabling and disabling the skill, which is responsible for the selection of agents who will handle the calls from the queue.
6WebitelSkillIdFilled in automatically from Webitel.

Fig. 11. "Skills" tab information 

4.4. Buckets

Buckets can be used as personal queues: they make it possible to split one queue into subqueues. To add a bucket, you need to click on the "+" icon next to the "Bucket" detail (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Adding a new "Bucket"

In the new window (Fig. 13) select the already created Bucket (1) on Webitel, and click Save (2).

Fig. 13. Choosing the "Bucket"

Tab fields:



1NameThe name of the bucket.
2DialerThe name of the dialer that the bucket is associated with.
3Id in dialerBucket ID in the dialer.
4Modified onThe date and time the changes were made.
5Modified byWho made the changes.
6Created byWho firstly created the bucket.

Fig. 14. The "Bucket" tab information

4.5. AMD

Модуль AMD предназначен для определения голоса абонента: поднял трубку человек или же звучит запись робота (например, автоответчик). Осуществляется посредством проверки различных параметров голоса (Рис. 15) характерных для записи:



1Включить автоопределение

Чек бокс, который отвечает за включение и отключения AMD — автоопределения.

Предназначен для определения голоса абонента: поднял трубку человек или же звучит запись робота (например, автоответчик). Осуществляется посредством проверки различных параметров голоса характерных для записи.


Минимальная пауза (тишина) между словами для определения следующего слова. В миллисекундах.
3Минимальная продолжительность непрерывного звука голоса (мс)Указывается минимальная продолжительность непрерывного звука голоса. В миллисекундах.

Максимальная продолжительность тишины между словами (мс)

Указывается максимальная продолжительность тишины между словами. В миллисекундах.
5Максимальная длина приветствия (мс)Указывается максимальная длина приветствия. В миллисекундах. Если превышено, то считать роботом.
6Перевести звонок "Не уверен" на оператораЧек бокс отвечает за перенаправление к оператору абонента, которого автоопределитель не смог распознать.
7Максимальное количество слов в приветствииВ этом поле указывается максимальное количество слов в приветствии. Если слов произнесено более чем указано, то считается роботом.
8Максимальная продолжительность предложения (мс)Указывается максимальная продолжительность предложения. В миллисекундах.
9Максимальное время для распознавания (мс)Указывается максимальное время, отведенное на распознавание человек это, или автоответчик. В миллисекундах.
10Продолжительность тишины после приветствия (мс)Указывается продолжительность тишины после приветствия. В миллисекундахЕсли превышено указанное значение, то считать человеком.
11Максимальная продолжительность тишины перед приветствием (мс)Указывается максимальная продолжительность тишины перед приветствием. В миллисекундах. Если превышено, то считается роботом.

Рис. 15. Рекомендуемые значения для работы AMD

4.6. Dialer participants

This tab (Fig. 16) allows you to Add (1) and view cqueue participants. Members can be selected from Contacts or a Group of contacts. To add a contact group preconfigured in Creatio chose the related option:

Fig. 16. Adding the dialer participants

Select the required group (1) and press Select (2).

Fig. 17. Selecting a group of call participants

Now there are two subscribers in the list of call participants who are included in the "test dialer" dynamic group (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. List of call participants

In order for the dialer to start working, these participants must be transferred to Webitel. To do this, you need to run the "Upload Webitel members" business process (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19. Running the "Upload Webitel members" business process 

The status of participants in the register has changed to "Uploaded to Webitel" (1) (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. Subscribers are loaded into Webitel and ready to call

Tab description:



1Webitel IdMember ID in dialer. Filled in automatically from Webitel.

The member's state in the dialer:

  • "Not uploaded to Webitel",
  • "Exhausted attempts",
  • "Uploaded to Webitel".
3BucketThe name of the bucket assigned to the member.
4ContactThe caller's Contact name.

Call result received from Webitel:

  • "Timeout" — present only in calls with post-processing. It is applied if the agent did not have time to finish post-processing on time (not used in the preview dialer);
  • "Canceled" — not used in preview dialer;
  • "Successful"
  • "Abandoned" — succesfull connection to the subscriber, but there was no connection with the agent (not used in the preview dialer);

Fig. 21. The "Dialer participants" tab information

4.7. CDR

The CDR tab allows you to view detailed information about all calls from this dialer. The information in this tab is synchronized with the Webitel telephony server.

Information about all calls can also be viewed in the "CDR" section of the Contact Center workplace.

Fig. 22. The "CDR" tab information

4.8. Calls

The tab is a copy of the section Calls from the "Contact Center" workplace. This tab contains information only about calls from this dialer.

Fig. 23. The "Calls" tab information

4.9. Feed

The tab contains messages related to the current dialer (Fig. 24). The tab will display all feed messages. It is also possible to write a message. If you want to mention another user in the message, you can type the “@” symbol and start entering the contact's full name. The system will display a list of found records, from which you can select the desired one. After the message is published, a notification will be sent to the mentioned user, which will be displayed on the communication panel. The name of the mentioned contact will be displayed in the message as a link, which, when clicked, will open the contact page.

Fig. 24. The "Feed" tab information

  • No labels