1. Description
The component is used to work with a Machine Learning model.
This component is present in flow types like:
The block (Fig.1(1)) is used in space to build the Flow. The settings panel for this component opens (Fig.1(2)) when you click on the block.
1.1. Chat AI block
The block consists of the following elements:
The name of the component;
in branch — receiving (connecting with the previous block) branch;
out branch — outgoing (connecting with the following block) branch.
1.2. Chat AI settings panel
It consists of the following elements:
Set variables;
Model name;
Defined category;
History length;
1.2.1. Set variables
It allows assigning an additional variable that can be used later.
It consists of the following:
Remove tool;
Add. Key
The name of the variable is entered here. Value
The value of the variable is entered here. Remove tool
It is intended to remove a variable in a row with which it stands — clicking the button removes it. Add
It is designed to add a new variable.
1.2.2. Connection
The connection address of the machine learning model server is entered here. If the address is entered, the connection will be made to it. If not, the value is taken from the system variable.
1.2.3. Model name
The name of the model to be used is entered here.
1.2.4. Categories
The ability to enter a list of data categories based on which the model will analyse Subscriber messages and provide a response.
1.2.5. Response
The name of the variable in which the text of the response received from the model will be written is entered here.
1.2.6 Defined category
The variable name is entered here. This variable will contain the name of the category into which the machine learning model classified the message. The category can be the one with the highest percentage of matches.
1.2.7 History length
The number of recent chat messages that will be sent to the model for analysis is entered here.
1.2.8. Timeout
The timeout for receiving a response from the model is entered here. In seconds.
1.2.9. Break
Responsible for the completion of the flow execution.
— initiates the end of the flow execution after the given component.
— the switch is in the off position.
1.2.10. Limit
It is intended to determine the maximum number of passes through this component.
The failover branch appears in the edited component when the limit is set .
The failover branch will be used if more passes are passed through the component than entered in the Max field.
Clicking on the Add Limit button adds a Max field and a Delete limit button.
The number of possible passes is indicated in the Max field.
Clicking on the Delete limit button removes the limit and returns the Add limit button.
Fig. 2. Setting a limit
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