Webitel 3.10.x release notes
Мы рады сообщить о новом релизе Webitel 3.10!
Проведена большая работа по исправлению найденных ошибок, повышению стабильности и быстродействия на больших объемах данных.
Ожидаем от вас пожеланий по дальнейшему развитию нового функционала на Customer portal.
Спасибо всей команде, которая трудилась над данным релизом.
v3.10.0 - 22 августа 2018
[WTEL-614] - Hold time is only for outbound calls
[WTEL-615] - Now call records after transfer
[WTEL-659] - new application queue_status
[WTEL-661] - Invalid index name, must be lowercase
[WTEL-669] - CDR incorrect export to XLSX
[WTEL-676] - Metadata access error for all users by default
[WTEL-678] - string: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[WTEL-685] - The domain name only in lower case
[WTEL-688] - hook import into the wrong domain
[WTEL-690] - Widget: freegeoip stop works
[WTEL-694] - Diler: Agents parameter Max no answer = 0
[WTEL-695] - Hot-desk + webitel phone = hibernate
[WTEL-697] - created date for TTS
[WTEL-698] - callflow designer створює action замість actions в елементі blackList
[WTEL-699] - Progressive dialer and "Originate timeout"
[WTEL-700] - Progressive dialer and "Minimum succeed call duration (in sec)"
[WTEL-701] - Widget: error under the admin.
[WTEL-705] - Проблема при прозвоне мембера с апострофом в переменной
[WTEL-707] - TTS: microsoft
[WTEL-708] - When queue is without timer - doesn't convert it
[WTEL-710] - calendar name is required
[WTEL-713] - Don't have talksec value after transfer
[WTEL-618] - new CDR Events
[WTEL-632] - ACR: new application exists
[WTEL-655] - LDAP Users Sync
[WTEL-711] - Kibana: Agents monitor
[WTEL-474] - Kibana: don't show logged out агентів
[WTEL-664] - Devices
[WTEL-665] - new password algorithm
[WTEL-667] - ACR: add XML SOAP support
[WTEL-668] - LDAP don't remove Webitel users
[WTEL-670] - Microsoft TTS: vi-VN Vietnamese
[WTEL-672] - new arithmetic operations
[WTEL-673] - new field: talksec
[WTEL-674] - Kibana link from Webitel Admin
[WTEL-681] - add description "Outbound Call" to the status event
[WTEL-683] - Media - show add date
[WTEL-689] - wconsole - auto provision config ENV
[WTEL-691] - Allow SMTP settings without authentication
[WTEL-692] - update rabbimq
[WTEL-693] - ACR: find the member of the dialer by filters
[WTEL-702] - SIP Firewall - allow and block
[WTEL-706] - ACR: calendar must set some var on holiday
[WTEL-709] - ACR: the destination_number matches $1 instead of the ®0.$1
v3.10.1 - 5 октября 2018
[WTEL-717] - В ответе о финальном статусе задания отсутствует номер телефона
[WTEL-718] - fix destination_number for verto users
[WTEL-720] - Задание с результатом Normal clearing остается на прозвоне
[WTEL-719] - Dialer: Communications:Description as a channel variable.
v3.10.2 - 22 октября 2018
[WTEL-721] - Doesn't exporting member statistic from the dialer into the SQL by cron task
[WTEL-726] - Can't add the cron: */15 8-22 * * *
[WTEL-727] - nginx: [warn] the "ssl" directive is deprecated, use the "listen ... ssl" directive instead
[WTEL-729] - Add the Agents tab into callback queue