Global variable

1. Description

Directory for saving variables in encrypted form.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Creation tool (Fig.1(1));

  2. Search field (Fig.1(2));

  3. Refresh button (Fig.1(3));

  4. Registry (Fig.1(4));

  5. Pagination (Fig.1(5)).

Global variable page.png
Fig. 1. Global variable page

1.1. Creation tool

Use the Add button to create a new Global variable (Fig.1(1)). After clicking the button, the New global variable modal window (Fig.2) opens. 

New global variable modal window.png
Fig. 2.  New global variable modal window

The New parameter modal window consists of the following:

  • Key - the key of the variable;

  • Value - the value of the variable;

  • Encrypted - switch is responsible for encryption of data entered in the Value field;

  • Save button - clicking the button creates a new global variable if all data are entered;

  • Cancel button - clicking on the button closes the modal window without saving data.

1.2. Search field

The search is performed on the Key column.

1.3. Refresh button

1.4. Registry

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;

  2. Parameter;

  3. Value;

  4. Editing tool;

  5. Removal tool.

1.4.1. Checkbox

Fig. 3. Confirm deletion modal window

1.4.2. Parameter

The parameter names are displayed here.

1.4.3. Value

The parameter value is displayed here.

1.4.4. Editing tool

When you click the  button, the Edit parameter modal window opens (Fig.3), where you can make changes.

1.4.5. Removal tool

Fig. 5. Confirm deletion modal window

1.5. Pagination

2. Opportunities

2.1. Create a  Global variable


Create a  Global variable


Create a  Global variable


  1. Access to the Admin application;

  2. Access to the Global variable section in the Admin application;

  3. Permission to create in the Global variable section;

  4. Role permissions - Manage global variables.



  1. Click the Add button. The New parameter modal window opens.

  2. Enter data. The Save button becomes active.

  3. Click the Save button.


The modal window closes. Global variable is created

2.2. Delete a Global variable


Delete a Global variable


Delete a Global variable


  1. Access to the Admin application;

  2. Access to the Global variable section in the Admin application;

  3. Permission to select and delete in the Global variable section;

  4. Role permissions - Manage global variables;

  5. The presence of at least one Global variable.



Find the Global variable you want to delete in the registry;

  1. Click on the delete button - . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;

  2. Click the Yes button.


The modal window closes. The Global variable is removed.

2.3. Delete several Global variables


Delete several Global variables


Delete several Global variables


  1. Access to the Admin application;

  2. Access to the Global variable section in the Admin application;

  3. Permission to select and delete in the Global variable section;

  4. Role permissions - Manage global variables;

  5. The presence of at least one Global variable.



  1. Find the Global variables you want to delete in the registry. Select them using the checkbox;

  2. Click on the delete button at the top of the registry. A modal window opens to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click the Yes button.


The modal window closes. Global variables are removed.

2.4. Edit a Global variable


Edit a Global variable


Edit a Global variable


  1. Access to the Admin application;

  2. Access to the Global variable section in the Admin application;

  3. Permission to edit in the Global variable section;

  4. Role permissions - Manage global variables;

  5. The presence of at least one Global variable.



  1. Find the Global variable you want to edit in the registry.

  2. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Global variable. The Edit global variable modal window opens.

  3. Make changes.

  4. Click the Save button.


The modal window closes. Data saved.