Parameters for a component

List of parameters that can be used (Table 1).

continue_on_fail=trueControls what happens when the called party is unavailable (busy/offline). If true, outbound routing continues to be processed. If false - stop processing.
instant_ringback=trueRingback will not wait for an indication before sending a callback signal to the caller.
ignore_early_media=trueIgnore the early media from the endpoint.
ignore_early_media=ring_readySame as ignore_early_media=true , but it also sends SIP 180 to the incoming leg when the first SIP 183 is intercepted.

Controls what happens to the calling party (A) when it is in the bridge state, and the called party (B) hangs up.

If set to true, outbound routing will stop processing, and Leg-A will end when Leg-B ends.

If set to false (default), outgoing routing continues to be processed after Leg-B is completed.

ignore_display_updates=trueDo not send displayed UPDATEs to the call leg (update_display).
call_timeout=20Specifies how long (in seconds) the endpoint will ring. The default is 60 seconds.
leg_timeout=15It can only be used inside endpoint parameters.
leg_delay_start=15Specifies the timeout in seconds before calling a branch. It can only be used inside endpoint parameters.
origination_caller_id_number=911Sets the initial CallerID number.
sip_renegotiate_codec_on_reinvite=trueAllow changing SDP codec with re-INVITE. 

Table. 1. List of options