Audit Module (Quality Control Module)

Audit Module (Quality Control Module)


Audit Module (Quality Control Module) - a module through which customer service quality control personnel can assess the operator's performance in serving customers to identify common errors and improve customer service in the future.

The primary tool for evaluating operators is a questionnaire that includes a list of criteria. A 100-point scale is used to assess these criteria.

1. The process of adding a new entry to the "Questionnaire Template" directory.

A directory called "Questionnaire Template" has been developed for working with templates.


The "Questionnaire Template" directory can be administered (adding, editing, and deleting entries) by Creatio users who have access rights to the system operation "Access to the 'Lookups' section" (CanManageLookups).

To create a new questionnaire template, you need to select the menu "Settings"(1), then go to the "System Designer" (2) (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Opening the "System Designer"

Afterward, in the "System setup" section, locate the "Lookups"(1) subsection  (Fig.2).

Fig. 2. Lookups

From the list of Lookups (Fig.3), select "Questionnaire Templates" and click the button "Open Content" (1).

Fig.3. List of Lookups

To add a new template entry to the directory, click the "New" button (Fig.4).

Fig.4. Adding a Questionnaire Template

On the record creation page (Fig. 5), fill in the "Name" field (1) and click the "Save" button (2).

Fig. 5. New Record Creation Page

To add an evaluation criterion (Fig. 6), click (1) on the "Criterions" details, fill in the "Name" field (2), and click (3).

Fig. 6. Adding an Evaluation Criterion

To activate the created questionnaire template (Fig. 7), check the box in the "Active" field (1) and click the "Save" button (2).

Fig. 7. Activating the Questionnaire Template

2. The process of generating a sequential number for a Questionnaire.

The questionnaire number consists of a prefix and a number.

To change the prefix, you need to open the "System Designer", go to the "System Setup" section, and open "System Settings" (1) (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. System Settings

In the opened window, you need to set a Filter/folders (1) (2) by the system setting code "QuestionnaireCodeMask" (3), and Confirm (4). A list of all system settings that fall under the filter will appear. Open the system setting named "QuestionnaireCodeMask" (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. System Settings by Filter

In the "Default Value" field (1), enter a new prefix value and click the "Save" button (2) (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Questionnaire Serial Number

3. Adding a Questionnaire Process

3.1. Adding a Questionnaire from the Questionnaires Section

A quality control employee can add a service quality assessment questionnaire for a customer interaction, call, or chat from the Questionnaires section (Fig. 11).

To create a questionnaire, go to the Questionnaires section (1) and click the "Save" button (2).

Fig. 11. Questionnaires Section Registry

In the popup window (Fig.12), fill in the "Questionnaire Template" (1) and "Operator" (2) fields. After filling in the "Questionnaire Template" field, Creatio adds Criteria (3) to the questionnaire and fills in the "Evaluation" (4) field with the default value of 100.

Fig. 12. Questionnaire Creation Page


When creating a questionnaire from the Questionnaires section, a quality control employee must manually fill in the "Request" / "Call" / "Chat" fields, depending on what they will evaluate for the operator.

When creating a questionnaire, you can change the Evaluation (1) and add Comments (2) for each criterion. Based on changes in the "Rating" column, the "Total" field (3) is automatically calculated in real-time. At the end of the assessment process, if necessary, fill in the "Evaluation comment" field (4) and click the "Save" button (5) (Fig.13). The "Total" field is calculated as the average value of the criteria; it is automatically filled in when creating a record.

Fig. 13. Questionnaire Editing

3.2. Adding a Questionnaire from the Cases

To create a questionnaire, go to the Cases (1) (Fig. 14) and select the relevant requests from the list. After clicking the "Open" button (2), the record page will open.

Fig. 14. Requests Section Registry

On the Request page, open the "Case Information" tab  and click the "Add" button  on the "Questionnaires" details.

In the opened window, the "Operator" and "Case" fields are automatically filled in from the Request page. After editing the questionnaire, click the "Save" button.

3.3. Adding a Questionnaire from the Call Page

In the Calls section (1) (Fig. 17), select the desired call from the list and click the "Open" button (2).

Fig. 15. Calls Section

On the "General Information" tab (Fig. 18), click the "New" button (1) on the "Questionnaires" details.

Fig. 16. "General Information" Tab on the Call Page

In the opened window, the "Call" field (1) is automatically filled with the current call for which the questionnaire is being created. To listen to the audio recording of the call (Fig. 19), click the "Listen to audio" button (2). After editing the questionnaire, click the "Save" button (3).

Fig. 17. Listening to an Audio Recording


Listening to a call is possible only when a recording of the call is accessible.

3.4. Adding a Questionnaire from a Chat Page

In the Webitel Chats section (1) (Fig. 20), select the relevant chat from the list and click the "Open" button (2).

Fig. 18. Webitel Chats Section

Open the "Chat Details" tab (1) and click the "New" button (2) on the "Questionnaires" details (Fig 21).

Fig. 19. "Chat Details" Tab

In the opened window, the "Chat" field (1) is automatically filled with the current chat from which the questionnaire is being created. To open the chat in the SCT-panel (Fig. 22), click the "Open Chat" button (2). After editing the questionnaire, click the "Save" button (3).

Fig. 20. Viewing the Chat in the SCT Panel

4. Analytics in the "Questionnaires" Section

In the Questionnaires section (Fig. 24), on the "Summary" tab (1), summarized data from various sections of the system is displayed. Analytical information is displayed on special dashboards.

To switch to the analytics tab, click on the "Summary" tab (1) in the Questionnaires section.

Fig. 21. Questionnaires Section

In the "Results" section, you have the option to configure tabs with dashboards: Operator Analytics (Fig. 22) and Survey Analytics (Fig.23).

Fig. 22. "Operator Analytics" Tab

Fig. 23. "Survey Analytics" Tab

Within the "Operator Analytics" tab (Fig. 22), you can configure the following dashboards:

  • Monthly Average by Operators

  • Operator's Average Rating

  • Operator's Average Rating (List)

  • Operator Ratings Over a Period

The "Average per month by operators" dashboard (Fig. 24) is presented in a list format. It is used to analyze the average ratings for operators based on surveys. The dashboard displays the operator's name, the interaction they handled, and the average rating for that interaction. The data is shown for the current month.

Fig. 24. "Average per month by operators" Dashboard

The "Operator Average Rating" dashboard (Fig. 25) is depicted as a histogram, displaying the average rating for the top five operators in the "Surveys" section for the current month.

Fig. 25. "Operator Average Rating" Dashboard

The "Operator Average Rating" dashboard (Fig. 26) presents the same information as the previous graph but in list format.

Fig. 26. "Operator Average Rating" Dashboard (List)

The "Rates of operators by period" dashboard (Fig. 27) is a specific type of list dashboard known as a pivot table. It displays data in a table format with grouping fields in rows and columns, and the intersection of these fields contains calculated data.

Fig. 27. "Rates of operators by period" Dashboard

On the "Survey Analytics" tab (Fig. 23), you can configure the following dashboards:

  • Operator Rankings (Average Rating)

  • Average Survey Summary

The "Rating of operators (by Average rate)" dashboard (Fig. 28) is a diagram displaying the rating summary from the "Surveys" section for each operator.

Fig. 28. "Operator Rankings (Average Rating)" Dashboard

The "Average total of questionnaires" dashboard (Fig. 29) shows a number obtained from a query relative to normative values, indicating the average survey results. The order of display follows the principle of "the higher, the better."

Fig. 29. "Average total of questionnaires" Dashboard

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