Opportunities in active chat
1. Description
An active chat is a chat that the Agent has accepted.
The following options are available in an active chat:
Transferring a chat (Fig.1(1))
Close a chat (Fig.1(2));
Send a message (Fig.1(3));
Fig. 1. Active chat
1.1. Transferring a chat
More about transfer can be found here.
1.2. Close a chat
More about closing chats can be found here.
1.3. Send a message
To send a message, enter the text in the message input field (Fig.1(3)), attach a file, or select an emoji. Then click on the button to send or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
You can attach a file to a message by using the button or dragging the file with the mouse.
Near to the message sent by the system is displayed. An avatar is displayed next to a message sent by an Agent or Subscriber. The name of the Agent or Subscriber can be hidden using the settings on the Templates tab of the used Chat Gateway.
It is possible to display audio/video messages from the Subscriber.
1.4. Processing
More about chat processing can be found here.