1. Description
It is designed to view the history of calls served by the Agent.
It consists of the following elements:
- Top bar (Fig.1(1));
- Filtration block (Fig.1(2));
- Registry (Fig.1(3));
- Pagination (Fig.1(4)).
Fig. 1. Work log tab
1.1. Top bar
The top bar consists of a button to return to the Agents page (Fig.2(1)), displaying the name of the Agent (Fig.2(2)), the amount of time (Fig.2(5)), which they spent in each status, as well as: Agent evaluation (Fig.2(3)); Status change menu (Fig.2(4)); Call button (Fig.2(6)). Data updates occur every 10 seconds automatically This displays the number of calls rated by Auditors and Supervisors, as well as the summarised rating of the Agent. Rating—total score. It is calculated by the formula sum(call ratings) / number of rated calls, rounded off to hundredths (0.00). Calls with transfers are not rated. Only a call that has a call recording and/or transcription can be evaluated. One call can only be evaluated once. The status change menu consists of a timer that displays the amount of time in this status since the last transition to this status and a drop-down list that opens when you click on the timer field (Fig.3). The drop-down list displays the available transition statuses. To switch to the desired status, click on it in the drop-down list. There are such statuses: Offline; Online; Pause; Break out. When the operator is in the Break out status, the drop-down list looks like in Fig. 4. An Agent enters the Break out status only if they miss the number of calls entered in the Max no answer field on the Timing tab of the agent`s Team. This parameter is counted by distributed calls that the Agent missed, regardless of whether the subscriber dropped it or was distributed to another Agent. The status change menu forces the Agent to enter the required status. When you select the Pause status, a Select the reason for the pause modal window opens (Fig. 5). The modal window displays all available pause reasons and the amount of time: How much time the Agent was in this pause today / How much time is provided for being in this pause? Which pauses will be displayed in the modal window depends on the settings on the Agent Statuses page in the Admin application. The button is designed to call the Agent. When you click the button, a call window opens (Fig. 6) When you hover the cursor over the window, it takes the following form (Fig.7): When a call is accepted, the agent's name changes to its Extension, a talk time counter and additional tools appear (Fig.8), namely: - button to mute the microphone; - the microphone is mute; - a call hold button; Clicking the end call button ends the call and closes the window.1.1.1. Agent evaluation
1.1.2. Status change menu
1.1.3. Call button
1.2. Filtration block
It is designed to filter the data displayed in the registry.
It consists of the following elements:
- Filtering fields (Fig.9(1));
- Reset filters button (Fig.9(2));
- Expant filters button (Fig.9(3)).
Fig. 9. Filtration block
1.2.1. Filtering fields
Available fields for filtering:
- From - sets the start time of the period for which you want to view data;
- To - sets the end time of the period for which you want to view the data.
1.2.2. Reset filters button
Represented as a button , all previously selected filters are reset when clicked.
1.2.3. Expant filters button
Represented as a button, all fields for filtering are revealed when clicked.
The number of fields displayed may vary depending on the browser window size. Use the button to expand all fields.
1.3. Registry
It is designed to display records with call data.
It consists of the following elements:
- Select visible columns (Fig.10(1));
Refresh button (Fig.10(2));
- Registry (Fig.10(3)).
Fig. 10. Registry
1.3.1. Select visible columns
It is designed to select the columns displayed in the registry.
The Select visible columns modal window to display opens (Fig.11) when you click the button.
Fig. 11. Select visible columns modal window
Select checkbox (Fig.11(1)) - this column is displayed in the registry;
Clear checkbox (Fig.11(2)) - this column is displayed in the registry.
1.3.2. Refresh button
Updating the register table is performed by clicking on the refresh button - .
1.3.3. Registry
The data in the registry is updated every 10 seconds.
The following columns are available in the registry:
- Date & time;
- Direction;
- Answered at;
- Bridged at;
- Queue bridged at;
- Joined at;
- Leaving at;
- Hangup at;
- Reporting at;
- User;
- Extension;
- From;
- To;
- Destination;
- Gateway;
- Team;
- Queue;
- Member;
- Duration;
- Tags;
- Display;
- Hold;
- Wait;
- Billing;
- Reporting;
- Queue wait;
- Queue duration;
- Result;
- SIP code;
- Hangup cause;
- Blind transfer. Date & time
Displays the date and time of the event that occurred. Direction
Displays call directions:
- - inbound;
- - outbound. Answered at
- Bridged at;
- Queue bridged at;
- Joined at;
- Leaving at;
- Hangup at;
- Reporting at;
- User;
- Extension;
- From;
- To;
- Destination;
- Gateway;
- Team;
- Queue;
- Member;
- Duration;
- Tags;
- Display;
- Hold;
- Wait;
- Billing;
- Reporting;
- Queue wait;
- Queue duration;
- Result;
- SIP code;
- Hangup cause;
- Blind transfer.
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