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1. Description

The page is for creating Skills for Agents. Skills are assigned to Agents to determine the Members from which Queues they can serve based on the agent's information: knowledge of a specific part of the product, knowledge of languages, etc.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Assign Agent (Fig.1(1));
  2. Creation tool (Fig.1(2));
  3. Search field (Fig.1(3));
  4. Refresh button (Fig.1(4));
  5. Registry (Fig.1(5));
  6. Pagination (Fig.1(6)).

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Fig. 1. Agent Skills page

1.1. Assign agent 

The Assign Agent button activates after selecting a Skill using the checkbox. You can choose several Skills. Agents are assigned all the selected Skills. The Assign skill to agents modal window opens (Fig.2) when you click on the Assign Agent button.

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Fig. 2. Assign skill to agents modal window

1.1.1. Assign skill to agents modal window

The Assign skill to agents modal window consists of the following elements:

  1. Filter block (Fig.2(1));
  2. Register (Fig.2(2));
  3. Close button;
  4. Next button. Filter block

The block of filters is used for faster search of the necessary Agents.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Search field;
  2. Team field;
  3. Skill field;
  4. Reset filters button. Search field

The search is performed on the Name column.
 Use the * symbol to search by part of a word. You can also use the * character to replace any number of characters. Team 

A Team drop-down list to filter Agents that belong to a specific Team. Skill

Skills drop-down list to filter Agents by these skills. Reset filters button

Represented as a button Image RemovedImage Added, all previously selected filters are reset when clicked. Register 

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Name;
  3. Team. Checkbox

Used to select one or more Agents to whom the Skill chosen will be assigned. Name

The name of the Agent is displayed here. Team

The name of the Team to which the Agent belongs is displayed here. Close

Clicking the Close button closes the modal window. The Skill is not assigned. Next

Clicking the Next button opens the Select capacity and state modal window (Fig. 3).

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Fig. 3. Select capacity and state modal window 

1.1.2. Select capacity and state modal window 

The Select capacity and state modal window consists of the following elements:

  1. Capacity;
  2. State;
  3. Add button;
  4. Back button. Capacity

Here enters the level of mastery of this Skill. It can be set from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the higher the Skill level. State

Use the switch to enable/disable a Skill. The enabled Skills determine the Queues in which the Agent will work. Add

Clicking the Add button adds the selected Skill to the selected Agents. Back

Clicking on the Back button returns to the Assign skill to agents modal window (Fig. 2).

1.2. Creation tool

Use the Add button (Fig.1(2)) to create a new object. Access to a General tab opens after clicking. You can open tabs for existing Agent Skills through the entries editing tool (see paragraph 1.4.4).


The Agents tab is available after saving the data on the General tab.

1.3. Search field

The search is performed on the Name column.

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Search field
Search field

1.4. Refresh button

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Refresh button
Refresh button
(Fig.1 (4)).

1.5. Registry

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Name;
  3. Description;
  4. Total agents;
  5. Active skill agents;
  6. Editing tool;
  7. Removal tool.

If there is no entry on the page, then an additional Add button is displayed in the register, the functionality of which duplicates the Add button in paragraph 1.1.

1.5.1. Checkbox

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Fig. 4. Confirm deletion modal window

1.5.2. Name

The name of the Skill is displayed here.

1.5.3. Description

Here is a description of the Skill.

1.5.4. Total agents

The number of Agents assigned to this Skill is displayed here.

1.5.5. Active skill agents

The number of Agents who have this Skill in an active state is displayed here.

1.5.6. Editing tool

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Editing tool
Editing tool

1.5.7. Removal tool

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Removal tool
Removal tool

Fig. 5. Confirm deletion modal window

1.6. Pagination

Include Page

2. Opportunities

2.1. Create a new Skill


Create a new Skill

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Agent Skills section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to create in the Agent Skills section.


  1. Click the Add button. The General tab opens.
  2. Enter data. The Save button becomes active.
  3. Click the Save button


Data saved. Agent Skill is created

2.2. Delete a Skill


Delete an Agent Skill

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Agent Skills section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Agent Skills section;
  4. The presence of at least one Agent Skill.


  1. Find the Skill you want to delete in the registry entries;
  2. Click on the delete button -
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  1. Image Added . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  2. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. The Agent Skill is removed.

2.3. Delete several Agent Skills


Delete several Agent Skills

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Agent Skills section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Agent Skills section;
  4. The presence of at least one Agent Skill.


  1. Find the Agent Skills you want to delete in the registry entries. Select them using the checkbox;
  2. Click on the delete button at the top of the registry. A modal window opens to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. Agent Skills are removed.

2.4. Edit an Agent Skill


Edit an Agent Skill

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Agent Skills section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to edit in the Agent Skills section;
  4. The presence of at least one Agent Skill.


  1. Find the Agent Skill you want to edit in the registry entries.
  2. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Agent Skill. The General tab opens.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click the Save button.


Data saved.

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