Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Call type





InboundSubscriber numberWebitel User number (filled in after the User has picked up the phone)The number dialed by the Subscriber
Outbound IVR 

The number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made

The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added)

Subscriber number
User Extension (Webitel)

The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added)

Subscriber numberUser Extension (Webitel)
Progressive dialerThe number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made
  • The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added);
  • Webitel User number (filled in after the User has picked up the phone)
Subscriber number
Predictive dialerThe number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made
  • The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added);
  • Номер абонента, на который осуществляется звонок  (после модификации, если забирали или добавляли цифры);
  • Webitel User number (filled in after the User has picked up the phone)
Subscriber number
OutboundUser Extension (Webitel)Номер абонента, на который осуществляется звонок  (после модификации, если забирали или добавляли цифры)Номер, который набрал пользователь webitelUser Extension (Webitel)
Internal between UsersНомер пользователя webitel (инициатор звонка)Номер пользователя webitel (получатель звонка)Номер пользователя webitel (получатель звонка)Номер пользователя webitel (инициатор звонка)

Таб. 1. Отображаемые данные в зависимости от типа звонка


Tab. 1. Display data depending on the type of call Gateway

Displays information on the Gateway that was used in this case. Team

Displays the Agent's Team. Queue

Displays the Queue that the call came from. Member

Subscriber information is displayed. Duration

Displays the amount of time spent on the call. Tags

It is present in the records of calls in which an answering machine is configured in the routing with the ability to record a voice message. Display

The number that is entered in the Resource settings is called through. Hold

Displays the amount of time the call has been on hold. If there is no hold, the field is empty. Wait

Displays the connection timeout. Billing

Displays the amount of time the Subscriber has been connected to the Agent. Reporting

Displays the amount of time the Agent spent on postprocessing. Queue wait

Displays the time spent by the Agent in the Queue, from entering the Queue until the moment of connection with the Agent or until the end of the call in the case when the Subscriber ended the call without waiting for the Agent. Queue duration

Displays the time spent by the Agent in the Queue from the moment they enter the Queue until the end of the call. Result

Displays the result. There are the following result options:

  • missed - missed by the Agent, present only in the Preview, when the Dialer did not reach the Agent and, accordingly, does not dial the Subscriber;
  • timeout - present in calls that have postprocessing configured. It is set if the Agent did not have time to finish postprocessing in time;
  • failed  - did not get through to the Subscriber;
  • abandoned - got through to the Subscriber, but there was no connection with the Agent;
  • success - successful result;
  • cancel - canceled. SIP code

Displays the SIP call termination code. Possible reasons can be found in Table 2. Hangup cause

Displays the reason for ending the call. Possible reasons can be found in Table 2.

Include Page
WEP:Hangup cause
WEP:Hangup cause Blind transfer

The number to which the blind transfer was made is displayed here. When there is no blind translation, the field remains empty.