Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Description

The Queues that you serve are displayed. Only enabled queues are displayed.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Search field (Fig.1(1));
  2. Export CSV (Fig.1(2));
  3. Filtration Filter block (Fig.1(3));
  4. Registry (Fig.1(4));
  5. Pagination (Fig.1(5)).

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Fig. 1. Queues page

1.1. Search field

The search is performed on the Queue column.

Include Page
Search field
Search field

1.2. Export CSV

It is designed to export data from the registry. When you click on the Export CSV button, the queues-stats.csv, file is downloaded, which contains information about Queues.



Filter block

It is designed to filter the data that is displayed in the registry.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Filtering fields (Fig.2(1));
  2. Reset filters button (Fig.2(2));
  3. Expand filters button (Fig.2(3)).

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Fig. 2. Filtration Filter block

1.3.1. Filtering fields

Available fields for filtering:

  • Time;
  • Queue;Team;
  • Queue Type.

Depending on the user's rights to view the page, the number of displayed fields may change.

1.3.2. Reset filters button

Include Page
Reset filters button
Reset filters button

1.3.3. Expand filters button

Include Page
Expand filters button
Expand filters button

1.4. Registry

It is designed to display entries with data about Queues.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Select visible columns (Fig.3(1));
  2. Refresh button (Fig.3(2));

  3. Registry (Fig.3(3)).

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Fig. 3. Registry


The time for calculating the data is taken from 00:00 to 23:59

1.4.1. Select visible columns

It is designed to select the columns displayed in the registry.

The Select visible columns modal window opens (Fig.4) when you click theImage RemovedImage Addedbutton.

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Fig. 4. Select visible columns modal window

Select the checkbox (Fig.4(1)) - this column is displayed in the registry;

Clear the checkbox (Fig.4(2)) - this column is not displayed in the registry.

1.4.2. Refresh button

Include Page
Refresh button
Refresh button

1.4.3. Registry

The data in the registry is updated every 10 seconds.

The following columns are available in the registry:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Queue;
  3. Agents;
  4. Free;
  5. Team;
  6. Members processing/Waiting;
  7. Calls countActivities;
  8. Answered;
  9. Transferred;
  10. Abandoned;
  11. Talk;
  12. Wrap up time;
  13. ASA;
  14. AWT;
  15. AHT;
  16. SL/20;
  17. SL/30. Checkbox

Used to select one or more entries. Queue

Displays the name of the Queue. Agents

Displays the number of Agents serving this Queue.

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Fig. 5. Agents in the registry column

Take Figure 5 as an example:

6 - 3 — total number of Agents;

2 - 1 — number of Agents online;

0 - the number of Agents in the break;

4 - 2 — number of offline Agents. Free

Displays the number of available Agents who are not on a call and waiting for a call. Team

Displays the name of the team that is serving the Queue. Members processing/Waiting

Displays the number of calls being processed / the number of callers waiting in the Queue.

Calls count


Displays the total number of handled calls activities in this Queue. Answered

Displays the percentage of calls connected to the Agent to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue. Transferred

Displays the percentage of calls transferred to another Agent to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue. Abandoned

Displays the percentage of missed calls to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue. Talk

Displays the total time spent in conversations by Agents in this Queue. Wrap up time

Displays the total pause time between calls spent by Agents in this Queue. ASA

Average Speed of Answer is a quantitative method for measuring the average response speed in a contact center; it includes the total time a Subscriber waits in a Queue before an Agent answers, excluding the time spent on IVR navigation. Calculation formula:

Average Speed of Answer = Total waiting time for all received calls during the day (sec.) / Number of subscribers received during the day (persons) AWT

Average waiting time - — the average waiting time of a Subscriber in the Queue before the Agent answers. Includes only processed calls; if the Subscriber did not wait for an answer and hung up, his waiting time will not be included in the metric. AHT

Average handling time - — the average time (duration) of call processing.

Calculation formula - ANT:

АНТ = (Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Total Wrap-up Time) / Number of Calls Handled SL/20

Displays the service level. The percentage of calls received by the Agent with a Subscriber whose waiting time on the line is less than 20 seconds from the total number of incoming calls queued. SL/30

Displays the service level. The percentage of calls received by the Agent with a Subscriber whose waiting time on the line is less than 30 seconds from the total number of incoming calls queued.

1.5. Pagination

Include Page

2. Opportunities

2.1. Selection of displayed columns in the registry


Select of displayed columns in the registry

  1. Access to the Supervisor application;
  2. Access to the Queues section in the Supervisor application;
  3. The presence of at least one Queue.


  1. Click the
Image Removed
  1. Image Addedbutton. The Select visible columns modal window opens (Fig.4).
  2. Columns to display in the table
  1. selected in the checkbox: columns that should not be displayed
  1. clear checkboxes.
  2. Click the Add button.


The modal window closes. The selected columns are displayed in the registry.

2.2. Export of Queues data


 Export of Queues data

  1. Access to the Supervisor application;
  2. Access to the Queues section in the Supervisor application;
  3. The presence of at least one Agent.


  1. Click the Export CSV button.


The agents.csv file is downloaded, which contains information about the Queues.

2.3. Filter the displayed data in the Registry


Select to display calls from the Orders Queue

  1. Access to the Supervisor application;
  2. Access to the Queues section in the Supervisor application;
  3. The presence of the Orders Queue.


  1. Click on the Queue field. A drop-down list with existing Queues opens.
  2. Select the Orders Queue. If the required Queue is not in the displayed list, then use the Queue field as a search field
  1. enter Orders.
  2. Click on Orders.


The data registry is reloaded, and the data for the selected filter is displayed

Table of Contents


Положення діалогуСтандартніПраворучЛіворучПоради19Бали за текст94Ретельний режимІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueuesПоказати в текстіThe Queues that you serve are displayed. Only enabled queues are displ...queuesOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіПунктуаційнаpageПоказати в текстіFig. 1. Queues!page?page:page,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueuesПоказати в тексті...s.csv, file is downloaded, which contains information about Queues.queuesOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіПунктуаційнаblockПоказати в текстіFig. 2. Filter blockblock.block!block?block:block,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueuesПоказати в текстіIt is designed to display entries with data about Queues.queuesOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіПунктуаційнаwindowПоказати в текстіFig. 4. Select visible columns modal windowwindow.window!window?window:window,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіОрфографічнаAWTПоказати в текстіAWT;ATARTACTAFTANTPossible spelling mistake found.додати "AWT" до персонального словникаІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в текстіDisplays the number of Agents serving this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіПунктуаційнаcolumnПоказати в текстіFig. 5. Agents in the registry columncolumn.column!column?column:column,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в текстіDisplays the total number of handled activities in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в тексті the Agent to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в тексті...another Agent to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в тексті...missed calls to the total number of incoming calls in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в тексті...ays the total time spent in conversations by Agents in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в тексті...the total pause time between calls spent by Agents in this Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіСтилістичнаpersonsПоказати в тексті (sec.) / Number of subscribers received during the day (personsindividualspeopleUnless you’re writing in a legal context, ‘persons’ is considered to be non-standard. For improved clarity, try using an alternative.Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіОрфографічнаAWTПоказати в тексті1.4.3.14. AWTATARTACTAFTANTPossible spelling mistake found.додати "AWT" до персонального словникаІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаQueueПоказати в текстіThe presence of at least one Queue.queueOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиІгнорувати в цьому текстіГраматичнаOrdersПоказати в тексті...ed list, then use the Queue field as a search field — enter Orders.ordersOnly proper nouns start with an uppercase character (there are exceptions for headlines).Відключити правило всюдиСимволів: 6 301

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