1. Description
It is designed to view the history of calls served by the Agent.
It consists of the following elements:
- Top bar (Fig.1(1));
- Filtration block (Fig.1(2));
- Registry (Fig.1(3));
- Pagination (Fig.1(4)).
Fig. 1. Work log tab
1.1. Top bar
The top bar consists of a button to return to the Agents page (Fig.2(1)), displaying the name of the Agent (Fig.2(2)), the amount of time (Fig.2(5)), which they spent in each status, as well as: Agent evaluation (Fig.2(3)); Status change menu (Fig.2(4)); Call button (Fig.2(6)). Data updates occur every 10 seconds automatically This displays the number of calls rated by Auditors and Supervisors, as well as the summarised rating of the Agent. Rating—total score. It is calculated by the formula sum(call ratings) / number of rated calls, rounded off to hundredths (0.00). Calls with transfers are not rated. Only a call that has a call recording and/or transcription can be evaluated. One call can only be evaluated once. The status change menu consists of a timer that displays the amount of time in this status since the last transition to this status and a drop-down list that opens when you click on the timer field (Fig.3). The drop-down list displays the available transition statuses. To switch to the desired status, click on it in the drop-down list. There are such statuses: Offline; Online; Pause; Break out. When the operator is in the Break out status, the drop-down list looks like in Fig. 4. An Agent enters the Break out status only if they miss the number of calls entered in the Max no answer field on the Timing tab of the agent`s Team. This parameter is counted by distributed calls that the Agent missed, regardless of whether the subscriber dropped it or was distributed to another Agent. The status change menu forces the Agent to enter the required status. When you select the Pause status, a Select the reason for the pause modal window opens (Fig. 5). The modal window displays all available pause reasons and the amount of time: How much time the Agent was in this pause today / How much time is provided for being in this pause? Which pauses will be displayed in the modal window depends on the settings on the Agent Statuses page in the Admin application. The button is designed to call the Agent. When you click the button, a call window opens (Fig. 6) When you hover the cursor over the window, it takes the following form (Fig.7): When a call is accepted, the agent's name changes to its Extension, a talk time counter and additional tools appear (Fig.8), namely: - button to mute the microphone; - the microphone is mute; - a call hold button; Clicking the end call button ends the call and closes the window.1.1.1. Agent evaluation
1.1.2. Status change menu
1.1.3. Call button
1.2. Filtration block
It is designed to filter the data displayed in the registry.
It consists of the following elements:
- Filtering fields (Fig.9(1));
- Reset filters button (Fig.9(2));
- Expant filters button (Fig.9(3)).
Fig. 9. Filtration block
1.2.1. Filtering fields
Available fields for filtering:
- From - sets the start time of the period for which you want to view data;
- To - sets the end time of the period for which you want to view the data.
1.2.2. Reset filters button
Represented as a button , all previously selected filters are reset when clicked.
1.2.3. Expant filters button
Represented as a button, all fields for filtering are revealed when clicked.
The number of fields displayed may vary depending on the browser window size. Use the button to expand all fields.
1.3. Registry
It is designed to display records with call data.
It consists of the following elements:
- Select visible columns (Fig.10(1));
Refresh button (Fig.10(2));
- Registry (Fig.10(3)).
Fig. 10. Registry
1.3.1. Select visible columns
It is designed to select the columns displayed in the registry.
The Select visible columns modal window to display opens (Fig.11) when you click the button.
Fig. 11. Select visible columns modal window
Select checkbox (Fig.11(1)) - this column is displayed in the registry;
Clear checkbox (Fig.11(2)) - this column is displayed in the registry.
1.3.2. Refresh button
Updating the register table is performed by clicking on the refresh button - .
1.3.3. Registry
The data in the registry is updated every 10 seconds.
The following columns are available in the registry:
- Date & time;
- Direction;
- Answered at;
- Bridged at;
- Queue bridged at;
- Joined at;
- Leaving at;
- Hangup at;
- Reporting at;
- User;
- Extension;
- From;
- To;
- Destination;
- Gateway;
- Team;
- Queue;
- Member;
- Duration;
- Tags;
- Display;
- Hold;
- Wait;
- Billing;
- Reporting;
- Queue wait;
- Queue duration;
- Result;
- SIP code;
- Hangup cause;
- Blind transfer. Date & time
Displays the date and time of the event that occurred. Direction
Displays call directions:
- - inbound;
- - outbound. Answered at
The time is displayed when the connection with the subscriber took place - calls began to come to the subscriber. Bridged at
Displays the connection time of the subscriber, or another Webitel User, with the Agent. Queue bridged at
Displays the connection time of the Agent with the Subscriber.
The difference between Bridged at and Queue bridged at is that Bridged at displays the time for both calls from the Queue and internal calls, while Queue bridged at only displays the time for calls from Queues. Joined at
Displays the time when the subscriber got into the Queue. Leaving at
Displays the time when the subscriber left the Queue. The exit from the Queue is the connection with the Agent or the end of the call. Hangup at
Displays the time the call ended. Reporting at
Displays the time when Postprocessing started. User
Displays the username. Extension
Displays the user's Extension. From
Displays the number from which the call originated. Depending on the type of call, it has different meanings (see Tab. 1). To
Displays the number of the called party. Depending on the type of call, it has different meanings (see Tab. 1). Destination
The number being called is displayed. Depending on the type of call, it has different meanings (see Tab. 1).
Сolumns | ||||
Call type | From | To | Destination | Extension |
Inbound | Subscriber number | Webitel User number (filled in after the User has picked up the phone) | The number dialed by the Subscriber | |
Outbound IVR | The number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made | The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added) | Subscriber number | |
Preview dialer | User Extension (Webitel) | The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added) | Subscriber number | User Extension (Webitel) |
Progressive dialer | The number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made |
| Subscriber number | |
Predictive dialer | The number that is entered in the settings of the Resource through which the call is made |
| Subscriber number | |
Outbound | User Extension (Webitel) | The number of the Subscriber to whom the call is being made (after modification, if digits were taken away or added) | The number dialed by Webitel User/Agent | User Extension (Webitel) |
Internal between Users | User Extension (initiator of the call) | User Extension (recipient of the call) | User Extension (recipient of the call) | User Extension (initiator of the call) |
Tab. 1. Display data depending on the type of call Gateway
Displays information on the Gateway that was used in this case. Team
Displays the Agent's Team. Queue
Displays the Queue that the call came from. Member
Subscriber information is displayed. Duration
Displays the amount of time spent on the call. Tags
It is present in the records of calls in which an answering machine is configured in the routing with the ability to record a voice message. Display
The number that is entered in the Resource settings is called through. Hold
Displays the amount of time the call has been on hold. If there is no hold, the field is empty. Wait
Displays the connection timeout. Billing
Displays the amount of time the Subscriber has been connected to the Agent. Reporting
Displays the amount of time the Agent spent on postprocessing. Queue wait
Displays the time spent by the Agent in the Queue, from entering the Queue until the moment of connection with the Agent or until the end of the call in the case when the Subscriber ended the call without waiting for the Agent. Queue duration
Displays the time spent by the Agent in the Queue from the moment they enter the Queue until the end of the call. Result
Displays the result. There are the following result options:
- missed - missed by the Agent, present only in the Preview, when the Dialer did not reach the Agent and, accordingly, does not dial the Subscriber;
- timeout - present in calls that have postprocessing configured. It is set if the Agent did not have time to finish postprocessing in time;
- failed - did not get through to the Subscriber;
- abandoned - got through to the Subscriber, but there was no connection with the Agent;
- success - successful result;
- cancel - canceled. SIP code
Displays the SIP call termination code. Possible reasons can be found in Table 2. Hangup cause
Displays the reason for ending the call. Possible reasons can be found in Table 2.
When receiving/sending a HangUp event, we receive/send Cause Code, i.e., the reason the call ends and the subscriber leaves the queue. In the table below you can view all Cause Codes used in ISDN telephony that correspond to the Q.850 protocol. It is issued by the router when none of the other codes fit. This cause usually occurs in situations similar to causes 1, 88, and 100. This cause indicates that called side cannot be reached because a network through which the call has been routed doesn’t maintain a desirable destination. This cause is supported depending on the network. A user has been given an incoming call, and the incoming call connects to the channel already set for that user for similar calls (for example, x.25 virtual calls in a package mode). This cause indicates that the destination point specified by the user cannot be reached because the intermediate commutator has disabled the call due to reaching the limit while executing the hop counter procedure. This cause is generated by the intermediate node that produces a result of 0 when the hop counter value is decreasing. This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize because this message is not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause. This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message including parameters that are not recognized because parameters are not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause. The reason indicates that the parameters have been ignored. Besides, if the equipment sending this cause is an intermediate point thus this cause indicates that the parameter (parameters) was (were) transmitted without changes.ITU-T Q.850 Code SIP answer Cause Description 0 UNSPECIFIED 1 404 UNALLOCATED_NUMBER This cause indicates that called side cannot be reached because although the called side number possesses a valid format, currently it is not assigned (assigned). 2 404 NO_ROUTE_TRANSIT_NET This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request for call routing through a particular transit network which it does not recognize. The equipment sending this cause does not recognize the transit network for the following reasons: the transit network does not exist or that particular transit network, although it exists, does not maintain the equipment sending this cause. 3 404 NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION 6 CHANNEL_UNACCEPTABLE This cause indicates that the last identified channel is not acceptable for the sending object to use in this call. 7 CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED 16 NORMAL_CLEARING Normal call termination 17 486 USER_BUSY The called side cannot take another call because the user's busy state has been detected. This cause value can be created by a called user or network. In case when the user is detected as busy, it is noted that the user’s equipment is compatible with the call. 18 408 NO_USER_RESPONSE The called side doesn't respond to a message of call establishing, warning, or connection indication during an established period. 19 480 NO_ANSWER This cause is used when a called side has been warned but is not answering with a connection indication during the prescribed period. A note: this cause is not necessarily generated by the Q.931 procedures but can be caused by the internal network timers. 20 480 SUBSCRIBER_ABSENT This cause value is used when the mobile station has logged out of the system, the radio connection with the mobile station has not been established, or the personal radio connection user temporary does not possess the address on any user network interface 21 603 CALL_REJECTED This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to receive this call although it may have accepted this call because the equipment sending this cause is not busy or incompatible. A network also can generate this reason indicating that the call has been rejected due to the restrictions of additional service. The diagnostics field may include additional information about the additional service and the reason for denying. 22 410 NUMBER_CHANGED This cause is returned to the calling side when the called side’s number specified by the calling side is no longer assigned. The new calling side number may be optionally included in the diagnostics field. When the network does not support this cause, it means the reason №1: unallocated (unassigned) number must be used. 23 410 REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DESTINATION This cause is used by the general ISUP protocol mechanism which can be launched by the commutator that decides to establish a call to another called number. This exchange may cause a redirection mechanism that uses this cause value to request a previous exchange participating in the call to route the call to the new number. 25 483 EXCHANGE_ROUTING_ERROR 27 502 DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER This cause indicates that the destination point specified by the user cannot be reached because the interface of the destination point does not work properly. The ‘does not work properly’ term means that the signaling message could not be delivered to the remote side; for example, physical level failure, level of data transmission channel on the remote side, or the disabled user’s equipment. 28 484 INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT This cause indicates that a called side cannot be reached because the called side number has an invalid or incomplete format. 29 501 FACILITY_REJECTED This cause returns when an additional service requested by the user cannot be provided by the network. 30 RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY This cause is included in the STATUS message when the prior receipt of the STATUS INQUIRY was a reason for generating the STATUS message. 31 480 NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED This reason is used to report a normal event only when none of the other reasons in the normal class apply. 34 503 NORMAL_CIRCUIT_CONGESTION This cause indicates that currently there is no suitable circuit/channel for call processing. 38 503 NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER This cause indicates that a network is not working properly, and this state is likely to last for a long time so the immediate call retry is unlikely to be successful . 41 503 NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE This cause indicates that a network is not working properly, and this state is unlikely to last for a long time; so the user may want to make one more call attempt almost immediately. 42 503 SWITCH_CONGESTION This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a high traffic period 43 ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED This cause indicates that a network couldn’t deliver to the remote user information about access according to the request, i.e the information between users, low-level compatibility, high-level compatibility, or subaddress as specified in the diagnostics. 44 503 REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL This cause comes back when another side of the interface cannot provide the scheme or channel indicated by the requesting object. 50 FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCRIBED This cause indicates that a user has requested an additional service that is available but the user is not authorized to use. 52 403 OUTGOING_CALL_BARRED This cause indicates that although the calling side is a subscriber of the CUG outbound call, the outbound calls are not allowed for this CUG subscriber. 54 403 INCOMING_CALL_BARRED This cause indicates that although the called side is a CUG subscriber for the inbound call, the inbound calls are not allowed for this CUG subscriber. 57 403 BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTAUTH This cause indicates that a user has requested a transfer capability that is implemented by the equipment that generated this cause but the user is not authorized to use. 58 503 BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTAVAIL This cause indicates that a user has requested a transfer capability that is implemented by the equipment that generated this cause but which is currently unavailable. 63 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE This cause is used for informing about the cause of service or parameter unavailability only when none of the other reasons in the service class or parameter unavailability apply. 65 488 BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTIMPL This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested transfer capability. 66 CHAN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested channel type. 69 501 FACILITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested additional services 79 501 SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED This cause is used for informing about the cause that is related to the unimplemented service or parameter only if none of the other reasons in the class of unimplemented service or parameter apply. 81 INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause received a message with a link to a call that is not currently used in the user-network. 88 488 INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call that has low-level compatibility, high-level compatibility, or other compatibility attributes (for example, data transmission speed) which cannot be implemented. 95 INVALID_MSG_UNSPECIFIED This reason is used for informing about invalid message cause only if any other reason in the invalid message class does not apply. 96 MANDATORY_IE_MISSING This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message without an information element that must be present in the message before this message can be processed. 97 MESSAGE_TYPE_NONEXIST 98 WRONG_MESSAGE This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message that the procedures do not indicate that it is a valid message to receive in the call state, or that a STATUS message was received indicating the incompatible call state. 99 IE_NONEXIST This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message including unrecognizable information element (s) because the information element (s) / parameter (s) name (s) is (are) not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause. This reason indicates that the information element (s) has (have) been discarded. However, the information element is not obligated to be present in the message to allow the equipment sending this cause to process the message. 100 INVALID_IE_CONTENTS This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received the information element that was implemented by it. However, one or several fields in the I.E. are encoded in a way that hasn’t been implemented by the equipment sending this cause 101 WRONG_CALL_STATE This cause indicates that a message non-compliant with the call state has been received. 102 504 RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE This reason indicates that a procedure was initiated by timer expiration connected with error processing procedures. This is often caused by NAT issues. Make sure «NAT Mapping Enable» is activated in your ATA. If it isn’t concerning NAT, sometimes it refers to a provider. Check if another outbound provider can solve a problem. 103 MANDATORY_IE_LENGTH_ERROR 111 PROTOCOL_ERROR This reason is used for informing about protocol error cause only in case when none of the other causes in the protocol error class apply. 127 INTERWORKING This reason indicates that an internetwork call (usually an SW56 service call) has ended. 503 MANAGER_REQUEST This cause is used when you send an API command to end the call. 605 PICKED_OFF This cause means that the call was picked up from another added number. 606 USER_NOT_REGISTERED This means you tried to call a SIP user that has not been registered. 609 GATEWAY_DOWN Gateway is down (does not respond to OPTIONS or SUBSCRIBE) 687 ABANDONED This means that the call was canceled by the dialer ORIGINATOR_CANCEL The call originator (agent or client) ended the call before receiving the answer (Answer)
Tab. 2. Hangup cause Blind transfer
The number to which the blind transfer was made is displayed here. When there is no blind translation, the field remains empty.
1.4. Pagination
It consists of the Rows per page field, which indicates the number of entries (it is possible to set from 1 to 1000) per page, and forward and backward buttons for switching pages.
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