Click Download Key File and save the keys in a safe place.
1.3. Bucket
Here you enter the name of the Bucket created in the Storage.
1.4. Path pattern
The path pattern to the folder where the files will be saved is entered here.
1.5. Service
The server that will host the Storage is chosen here.
The Service field is only available when creating a Storage.
There are available options.
AWS S3 Bucket;
Digital Ocean Spaces;
Custom- your own local S3.
1.6. Region
You must choose the Region chosen on the Storage side for the Bucket (paragraph 1.3).
When you choose the Custom (local S3) in the Service field, the Endpoint field appears (Fig.2), in which you must enter the server's IP address. You must also enter the Region name in the Region field.
Fig. 2. In case when is chosen Customer option
2. Opportunities
2.1. Change the Key ID/Access Key/Bucket/Path pattern