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AHT (Average handling time) – the average time an Operator spends processing a request, call, or other type of interaction with a subscriber. AHT typically includes the time spent processing the request/call, including wait time, talk/message time, and time spent performing additional actions such as post-processing, creating a service request, etc.

AHT = (Talk Time + (Hold Time + After Call Work Time))* CallsAverageHandlingTime = (TotalTalkTime + TotalHoldTime + TotalWrapTime )/ NumberOfCallsHandled).

Talk Time - the duration of the call or conversation.

Hold Time - the time a caller spends waiting to speak to an Operator.

After Call Work Time - the time an Operator spends completing tasks related to the call after the call has ended.

Idle Time - the time an Operator spends not engaged in any activity.

Wrap Time - the pause between calls.

AIT (Average idle time) –  is the average amount of time during which a call center Operator is not engaged in work and is not serving customers. AIT includes the time during which the call center Operator does not have active interaction with customers and may include the time spent waiting for customer requests, the rest time between work tasks, and other periods when the Operator is not engaged in work.

AIT = Sum of waiting time (by the Operator) / Number of calls answered (by the Operator).

AR (Abandoned Rate) – is a metric that measures the percentage of customer requests or calls that were canceled before being serviced by an Operator. AR includes the number of requests or calls that were abandoned before processing was completed, and the total number of requests or calls that were received by the call center.

Abandoned Rate (%) = (Ab - ARA) / An * 100

Ab –  abandoned, the number of calls where the subscriber picked up the phone but did not connect to the Operator (only those where AMD recognized as HUMAN or NOTSURE, if allowed in the Queue).

ARA –  Abandon rate adjustment, a parameter in the dialer.

An –  answered, the number of calls where there was a response from the subscriber (only those where AMD recognized as HUMAN or NOTSURE, if allowed in the Queue).

ASA (Average Speed of Answer) –  the average time a customer waits before their request is processed by an Operator after contacting a call center. ASA includes the time a customer spends waiting for a connection with an Operator after submitting a request or making a call to the call center.

ASA = total wait time for all incoming calls during the day (in seconds) / number of incoming calls during the day (calculated in people).

Avg response time –  the average time it takes for an Operator to respond to a request or inquiry from a Client. This may include time spent researching and understanding the Client's question, taking additional actions to address the issue, and providing a response.

Avg response time = (response time [time])

Response time - the arithmetic average of the time it takes for an Operator to respond over a defined time period.

Time –  a defined time period.

Calculation –  the average response time to calls. This time may include the waiting time for connection with the Operator, the time it takes for the customer to explain their issue, and the time it takes for the Operator to provide a response to the customer's inquiry.

Calculation = total time spent on responding to calls / number of responses to calls.

Duration –  the amount of time that an Operator spent in a particular status. Duration can be measured for any status that an Operator is in.

Duration = time the status was turned off - time the status was turned on.

Efficiency – is a metric that measures how productive a call center Operator is. This metric is measured by comparing the number of tasks performed by the Operator with the time spent on these tasks.

Efficiency = (Dill+Dur+Hold+WT+Lrng)/(Onl+Tbrk+Brk+Lrng), %.

Onl - time in the "online" status.

Tbrk - time in the "technical break" status.

Brk - time in the "break" status.

Lrng - time in the "learning" status.

Dill - time spent dialing.

Dur - talk time.

Hold - hold time.

WT - post-processing time.

FCR (First Call Resolution) – is the percentage of calls that were successfully resolved on the first attempt without requiring additional calls or transfers to other Operators. FCR can be represented as a graph that shows the number of customer requests resolved on the first contact grouped by days, weeks, or months.

FCR = (Number of calls successfully resolved on first attempt) / (Total number of calls) * 100%.

Load – is the percentage of the number of subscribers for a particular Operator out of the total number of subscribers for calls. The Load metric is used to measure the load on the telephone network created by users during calls.

Load = (Number of subscribers "in the queue" for a particular Operator / Total number of subscribers "in the queue") * 100%.

Occupancy – is a metric of the efficiency of call center agents' use of work time. Optimal occupancy depends on the profile of the call volume. If the call volume is high, optimal occupancy will be higher, as agents need to be busy to ensure efficient handling of all calls. On the other hand, if call volume is low, optimal occupancy may be lower, as agents may have more free time.

Occupancy = ((Talk Time + Hold Time + After Call Work Time) ÷ (Talk Time + Hold Time+ After Call Work Time + Idle Time)) × 100.

Talk Time - the time spent on calls.

Hold Time - the time spent on hold.

After Call Work Time - the time spent on post-call work.

Idle Time - the time spent idle.

RC (Repeat calls) – is a metric measured in percentages that indicates what proportion of calls to the call center are repeat calls, i.e., require reprocessing due to an unresolved issue.

RC = (Repeat Calls / Total Calls) * 100%

Repeat Calls - the number of repeat calls.

Total Calls - the total number of calls.

SL (Service level) – is a metric that measures the level of service provided by the call center. This metric reflects the time that an Operator should respond to a Client's request or the time that should be taken to resolve a specific request.

Service Level = ((Abandoned Calls * 100) / (Connected Calls - (Calls with AMD results (MACHINE + NOTSURE))))

Abandoned Calls - this parameter refers to calls where the dialer established a connection with the subscriber, but there is no communication with the Operator.

Connected Calls - this parameter refers to calls where the dialer established a connection with the subscriber and the Operator.

Calls with AMD results - this parameter refers to calls where the dialer identifies the call as a message on the answering machine or where the quality of communication is unknown.

Utilization – a metric that measures the percentage of time an Operator spends in the "online" status (ready to take calls or messages) compared to the total time in the system. To calculate Utilization, the total time in the system needs to be determined first, including working time, breaks, training time, and other non-working periods. Then, the time an Operator spends in the "online" status, ready to take calls or messages, is calculated.

Utilization = [(Average calls handled per agent in a single month x Average time spent on call and post-call work)/(Workdays in a month x Total work hours in a day x 60 minutes)] x100

Wrap up time – the time an Operator spends between the end of a previous call and being available for the next call. This time is used for the Operator to enter call information into the system, provide necessary information, send an email, or perform any other necessary actions to prepare for the next call.

Wrap up time = After Call Work Time ÷ (Talk Time + After Call Work Time) × 100

Talk Time - the time spent in conversation.

After Call Work Time - the time spent in post-call work.

Overall call rating based on the survey –  this is the cumulative assessment of the call based on mandatory/optional questions of the Webitel Auditor survey (dashboard Audit: form).

Mandatory call rating = (sum(score for mandatory question) * 100%) / maximum score for the survey's mandatory questions.

Call rating for optional questions = (sum(score for optional question) * 100%) / maximum score for the survey's optional questions.