Legs A-B (History)

1. Description

This tab displays the call's path (Fig.1).

A call can consist of several connections; the connection order may change for different types of calls (see Table 4).

Type of CallConnection Leg AConnection Leg B
InboundSubscriber - ServerServer - Agent
Outbound IVRServer - SubscriberSubscriber
Progressive dialerSubscriberAgent
Predictive dialerSubscriberAgent
Internal between Users Call initiator The User who received the call

Tab. 4. Connection Legs A-B depending on the type of call

The information is represented by a register containing the columns selected for display in the register of call records on the History page.

Рис. 1.  Legs A-B

Only one Leg A connection and multiple Leg B connections are possible.

For example, take an Inbound call:

Connection Leg A - Subscriber to the server.

Connection Leg B (1) - server to Agent 1.

Agent 1 did not accept the call; the server attempted to connect to Agent 2 - connection Leg B (2).