It is designed to configure the parameters of the Preview Dialer.
It consists of the following elements (Fig. 1):
Originate timeout;
Wait between retries;
Sort members retries by descending;
Strict circuit;
Dialing Attempts per each phone number;
Allow greeting agent;
Fig. 1. Parameters tab
1.1.Originate timeout
Waiting time to the Member, that is, how long we will wait for a response from the Member.
1.2. Wait between retries
The time between attempts is the time after which the next call will be made.
The number of attempts to call the Subscriber is entered here. If it is not connected to the Subscriber for the specified number of attempts, then dialing such a Subscriber stops.
The maximum allowed number of parallel outgoing calls.
If you assign a negative value, all resources will be used (there will be a limit on the Progressive call count per Agent).
If the value is 0, no calls will be made.
1.5. Sort members retries by descending
Sort call back to Subscribers whose call time was missed, descending (according to the amount of time counted from the scheduled call time to the moment).
1.6. Strict circuit
The strategy is that first, the call will go through one attempt to dial to members, and then - from the next attempt, taking into account the time of the next call.
If the time of the next call has not yet come, and the calls to members on the first attempt have already ended, then the dialer will wait until the time of the next call for some members comes.
1.7. Recording
Ability to record a conversation.
TheStart record after answerswitch appears if the switch is on. It is responsible for registering after the Member has answered.
1.8. Dialing Attempts per each phone number
Responsible for the ability to make attempts to dial each number specified for a particular member.
1.9. Allow greeting agent
Allows the inclusion of a personal greeting before connecting with an Agent. The greeting file is selected from the media resources in the Agent'sGeneraltab.
1.10. Endless
When this switch is enabled, Members will not be removed from the call list after a successful call unless the processing is used.
1.11. Sticky
The ability to assign a specific Agent for the Member. An Agent can be chosen when loading a Member into the Queue, or when adding a Member - in the General tab in the Agent field.
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