
1. Description

It is designed to customize the Contact.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Top bar (Fig.1(1));
  2. Sidebar (Fig.1(2));
  3. Tab bar (Fig.1(3)).

Fig. 1. Contact page

1.1. Top bar

The top bar consists of the path of the page and the Close button. The Close button closes the Contact page and opens the Contacts page.

1.2. Sidebar 

General contact information is displayed here.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Options button;
  2. Avatar; 
  3. Contact name;
  4. Owner;
  5. Description
  6. Labels.

1.2.1. Options button

Click the  button to open the options (Fig.2).

Fig. 2. Options

(edit) — after clicking the edit button, the Edit contact modal window opens (Fig.3), where you can make changes. 

Fig. 3. Edit contact modal window

(delete) — It removes an object with confirmation through a modal window (Fig.4). A modal confirmation window appears after clicking the button. Clicking the Yes button — deletes the object and opens the Contacts page. Clicking the No button closes the modal window, and the object is not deleted.

Fig. 4. Confirm deletion modal window

1.2.2. Avatar

An avatar is automatically substituted as name initials on the appropriate background for each Contact.

The background colour of the avatar is determined by the first letter of the name. Both Latin and Cyrillic are considered.

1.2.3. Contact name

The Contact name is displayed here.

1.2.4. Owner

The name of the Contact owner is displayed here.

1.2.5. Description

The description of the contact is displayed here.

1.2.6. Labels

The labels of the Contact are displayed here.

1.3. Tab bar

The Tab Bar displays tabs with data for this Contact.

There are the following tabs:

2. Opportunities

2.1. Add the Communication option to the Contact


Add the Email to the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or creating a new one.


  1. Open the Communication options tab.
  2. Open the Email tab.
  3. Click the button. The Add the email modal window opens.
  4. Select the type of communication in the Communication type field.
  5. Enter the Contact's email address in the Destination field.
  6. Click the Save button.


The modal window closes. The entry is added to the registry in the Email tab.  

2.2. Remove the Communication option to the Contact


Remove the Email to the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Communication options tab.
  2. Open the Email tab.
  3. Find the entry you want to remove.
  4. Click on the delete button — . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  5. Click the Yes button.


The Email is removed from the registry.

2.3. Change the Communication option in the Contact


Change the Email in the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Communication options tab.
  2. Open the Email tab.
  3. Find the entry of the Email you want to edit.
  4. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Email. The Edit the email modal window opens.
  5. Make changes.
  6. Click the Save button.


Data saved.

2.4. Add an attribute to the Contact


Add an attribute to the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or creating a new one.


  1. Open the Attributes tab.
  2. Click the add button — . The Add attribute modal window opens.
  3. Enter data into the Key and Value fields.
  4. Click the Add button.


The modal window closes. The entry has been added to the registry.  

2.5. Remove the attribute from the Contact


Remove the attribute from the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Attributes tab.
  2. Find the entry of the attribute you want to remove.
  3. Click on the delete button — . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  4. Click the Yes button.


The attribute is removed from the registry entries.

2.6. Change the attribute in the Contact


Change the attribute in the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Attributes tab.
  2. Find the entry of the attribute you want to edit.
  3. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Variable. The Edit variable modal window opens.
  4. Make changes.
  5. Click the Edit button.


Data saved.

2.7. Add a Role or User to the list of those who have access to the Contact


Add a Role that will have access to the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or creating a new one.


  1. Open the Permissions tab.
  2. Click the add button. The Add grantee modal window opens.
  3. Click on the Grantee field. A drop-down list of existing Roles opens.
  4. Select the required Role. The drop-down list is closed.
  5. Click on the Add button.


The modal window closes. The entry is added to the registry.  

2.8. Remove a Role or User from the list of those who have access to the Contact


Remove the Role that has access to the Contact

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Permissions tab.
  2. Find the Role entry you want to remove.
  3. Click on the delete button — .


The Role is removed from the registry.

2.9. Change action permission from Role to Contact


Change action permission

  1. Access to the CRM application;
  2. Access to the Contacts partition in the CRM application;
  3. Permission to create or edit in the Contacts partition;
  4. The presence of a Contact or the creation of a new one;
  5. At least one entry in the registry.


  1. Open the Permissions tab.
  2. Find the Role whose permission you want to change.
  3. Click the field in the desired column. A drop-down list will open.
  4. Select the required value from the drop-down list and click on it.


Data saved.