Upgrade Notes 22.09-22.12


Be sure to back up the database before upgrading the system!


After the upgrade, it is necessary to generate and replace the widget code on the website

new license

In this release, the license certificate has been changed. For licenses issued after 01.12.2022 (after 12/01/2022 for the US), you need to request a new key under Webitel v22.12

Update algorithm

  1. Complete stop of all Webitel services
  2. Database migration from Webitel v22.09 to v22.12
  3. Upgrading Debian Linux and updating Webitel applications to v22.12
  4. Restarting all services after upgrading to Webitel v22.12

Complete stop of all Webitel services

systemctl stop webitel-api webitel-app webitel-uac messages-bot messages-srv \
  engine call_center storage flow_manager \
  freeswitch ngcp-rtpengine-daemon opensips nginx

Database migration from Webitel v22.09 to v22.12

su postgres
cd ~
wget https://git.webitel.com/projects/WEP/repos/postgres/raw/migration/22.09-22.12.sql
psql webitel -f 22.09-22.12.sql
rm 22.09-22.12.sql

Upgrading Debian Linux and updating Webitel applications to v22.12

sed -i 's/22.09-releases/22.12-releases/g;' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list

echo "deb https://deb.sipwise.com/spce/mr10.5.3 bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rtpengine.list
wget https://deb.sipwise.com/spce/ngcp-keyring-latest.deb && \
    sudo dpkg -i ngcp-keyring-latest.deb && \
    rm ngcp-keyring-latest.deb

apt update 
apt upgrade

Restarting all services after upgrading to Webitel v22.12

systemctl restart consul
systemctl restart postgresql
systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

systemctl restart webitel-app webitel-uac webitel-api \
  messages-srv flow_manager messages-bot \
  engine call_center storage freeswitch ngcp-rtpengine-daemon opensips

Update or merge the nginx configuration file (if it was changed manually):

curl https://git.webitel.com/projects/WEP/repos/nginx/raw/default \
 -o /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.orig
vimdiff /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.orig
nginx -t
systemctl restart nginx