Version 24.10

New Functionality:

  • 🆕 New graphical flow scheme builder;

  • 🆕 Updated support for the OpenTelemetry protocol;

  • [Flow] Added the ability to combine TTS and media files in a single playback;

  • [Flow] Added the ability to overlay background recordings for unified playback of TTS or media files in a single playback;

  • [Workspace] Display of previous chat history by Contact;

  • [Workspace] Display of closed chat history;

  • [Workspace] Configuration of incoming call volume;

  • [Admin] Added the ability to ignore the calendar for incoming queues;

  • Documentation and application localization updates.


  • [Admin] Fixed errors in CSV import;

  • [Admin] Fixed search functionality in certain sections;

  • [Admin] Fixed errors in calendar editing;

  • [Admin] Fixed file download issues in the Media section;

  • [Workspace] Fixed an issue with XTML display in dialog forms;

  • [Workspace] Fixed an issue with file deletion in dialog forms;

  • [Workspace] Fixed an issue with playback of files in chat history;

  • [Workspace] Fixed an issue with correctly displaying the designated contact for a chat;

  • [History] Fixed an issue with displaying call transfers;

  • [History] Fixed an issue with exporting variables in Excel format;

  • [History] Preserved filter settings after page refresh;

  • [Supervisor] Fixed an issue with skill-based filtering;

  • [Supervisor] Fixed an issue with displaying operator evaluations;

  • [Flow] Fixed an issue with responding to Emails;

  • [Contacts] Fixed errors in data display within the timeline;

  • [Portal] Updated file handling mechanism;

  • Fixed an issue with determining message_id for certain Email providers;

  • Fixed export to Excel for change history in sections;

  • Improved application localization;

  • Security updates;

  • Bug fixes and general enhancements.
