Progressive dialing


Progressive dialing report page. Designed to view information on the progressive dialing of subscribers (Fig. 1).

Consists of:

  1. Drop-down list with multiple choice Queues
  2. Agents table
  3. Active calls table
  4. Queue calls
  5. Block Hang up cause
  6. Information table

Displaying information in progressive dialing

1.1. Drop-down list with multiple choice Queues

Designed to select queues for which information needs to be viewed

1.2 Agents table

Displays general information on calls for each Agent. When you click on the Agent's name, it redirects to the Agent dashboard, where extensive information on a particular Agent is displayed.

Consists of columns:

  • Agent - Agent's name;
  • Status - the Agent's status at the moment. There are such statuses: online (1, colored green) - active; offline (2, colored red) - inactive; break (3, colored yellow) - during a break; break out (4, colored black) - forced transfer to offline mode;
  • In the queue - how much is left to call the subscribers assigned to this Agent;
  • Completed (Successful) - the number of subscribers with whom the Agent was connected;
  • Completed (Unsuccessful) - the number of subscribers who could not get through for several dialing attempts. The number of dialing attempts is indicated on the details page Dialing subscribers settings of this queue;
  • Member did not answer - the number of dialing attempts that were not answered by subscribers;
  • Member answered - the number of dialing attempts that were accepted by the subscriber;
  • Connected with agent - the number of dialing attempts that were accepted by the subscriber and connected to the Agent;
  • Missed - the number of calls when they got through to the subscriber, but did not connect with the Agent;
  • AHT - the average time of call processing by the Agent. Talk time + post-processing is taken into account;
  • Agent`s ASA  - average speed of answer by the Agent;
  • Member`s ASA - the average speed of answer by member;
  • Load - the percentage of the number of subscribers for a given Agent to the total number of all subscribers for calling. It is calculated by the formula: (the number of subscribers in the queue of the given Agent / the number of all subscribers in the queue) * 100%.

1.3. Active calls table

Displays information about calls that are currently being processed.

Consists of columns:

  • Time - the time the dialer started the call;

  • Number - subscriber's number;

  • Status - Displays the status of a specific active call. There are three states: waiting - waiting for a connection with a subscriber, offering - connected with a subscriber, connecting with an Agent, bridged - a call connected with an Agent:

  • Answered - time of connection with the subscriber;

  • Agent - the name of the Agent with whom you connected;

  • Agent in conversation - the time from the connection with the Agent to the present moment;

  • Duration - the time from the start of the dialing attempt to this moment;

  • Resource is the gateway that is being used.

1.4. Queue calls

Displays the number of calls by queue in a certain period of time. Constant updates in real time.

1.5. Block Hang up cause

Consists of:

  • Pie chart;
  • List of reasons.

The pie chart displays the percentage of completed calls for the selected reasons.

When you hover the cursor over a sector of the pie chart, it displays the reason and the number of completed calls for this reason.

The list of reasons displays only those reasons that took place during the period under consideration. For a list of possible causes, see Table 1.

The list of reasons includes:

  • the color in which the given reason is displayed on the diagram;
  • the name of the reason;
  • SIP response.

When you move the cursor over the name of a reason in the list, only the sector that displays information for this reason is highlighted in the pie chart. When you click on the name of the reason in the list, it becomes inactive (gray). Information for inactive reasons is not displayed on the chart.

List of possible reasons for the end of the call

1.6. Information table

This table displays information about the number of subscribers in queues and the progress of their calls.

Consists of:

  • Queue - the name of the call queue
  • In work - the number of subscribers in work
  • Waiting - the number of subscribers that is pending
  • Total - the total number of subscribers added to the call queue for the entire time
  • Progress is a scale that displays the percentage of processed subscribers to the total number of subscribers in this queue. From 0% to 60% colors in red, from 60% to 80% in orange, from 80% to 100% in green.