
1. Description

It is designed to configure system settings at the domain level.

The Configuration page is accessible to Users who have permissions for the actions Select and Manage system configurations. These permissions are assigned to the User's Role on the Role permissions page.

For the permissions Edit, Create, and Delete, the User must have both the Select and Manage system configurations permissions.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Creation tool (Fig.1(1));
  2. Search field (Fig.1(2));
  3. Refresh button (Fig.1(3));
  4. Registry (Fig.1(4));
  5. Pagination (Fig.1(5)).

Fig. 1. Configuration page

1.1. Creation tool

Use the Add button to create a new configuration (Fig.1(1)). The New parameter modal window (Fig.2) opens after clicking the button. 

Fig. 2. New parameter modal window

The New parameter modal window consists of the Parameter field. Clicking on it opens a list of available options. After selecting a parameter, additional items appear:

  • the Value field (Fig. 3) — the value of the selected parameter;

Fig. 3. The Value field

  • the State switch (Fig. 4) — responsible for the true/false value of the selected parameter;

Fig. 4. The State switch

  • The Format field (Fig. 5) — additional elements may be available depending on the format selected.

Fig. 5. The Format field

The following options are available:

  1. enable_omnichannel;
  2. member_chunk_size;
  3. enable_2FA;
  4. scheme_version_limit;
  5. amd_cancel_not_human;
  6. search_number_length;
  7. chat_ai_connection;
  8. password_regular_expression;
  9. password_validation_text;
  10. export_settings;
  11. autolink_call_to_contact.

1.1.1. enable_omnichanne

When set to true, allows you to receive calls and chat at the same time.

1.1.2. member_chunk_size

It is used when bulk importing Subscribers to optimize the database. When loading in this way, the value of this parameter indicates the number of Subscribers that will be imported in one go.

1.1.3. enable_2FA 

The Status switch determines whether two-factor authentication is enabled or disabled.

1.1.4. scheme_version_limit

The maximum number of saved previous versions of the Flow Scheme. It is set in the Value field.

1.1.5. amd_cancel_not_human

If AMD defined the result as Cancel, such values are not included in the percentage abandoned for the dialler if the State switch is on. If the State switch is off, such values are included in the percentage abandoned.

1.1.6. search_number_length

If the parameter is set, the system searches for a contact during any call by comparing the number from the end based on the number of digits set in this parameter. If the parameter is not set, a complete match does the search. This is used to improve contact identification by inbound or outbound phone numbers.


Call from the number +380991234567.
Contact X with the number 380991234567 is created in the system.
If search_number_length = 10, then the search will be performed on ten numbers from the end.
That is, the check will be performed on the value 0991234567. And when you call from the number +380991234567, contact X will be identified.

1.1.7. chat_ai_connection

In the value sets the connection string to the machine learning model server. The component Chat AI used in the Flow Schema will connect to this address if the setting is set. If the address is set directly in the Flow Schema (Chat AI component), the connection will be made using it.


The value of this parameter specifies a regular expression for the User password.

1.1.9. password_validation_text

The value of this parameter specifies the text that will be displayed if the value entered in the Password field does not fall under the specified regular expression (div.password_regular_expression) (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Display password_validation_text

1.1.10. export_settings

It is used to set the format in which files will be exported.

The available formats are:

  • xls;
  • csv.

When selecting the csv format, you need to specify the delimiter in the Separator field.

Used to link a call to a contact when the Agent does not have a CUSTOMER_SERVICE licence.

Depending on the value of the variable wbt_hide_number, contact information may not be displayed in Workspace. The display of the contact in Workspace also depends on the availability of the CUSTOMER_SERVICE licence.

If the Status switch is active, an automatic search for a contact by phone number is applied to all calls that fall into the routing.

If one contact is found, then its identifier is saved and transmitted with the call. Automatic binding to the found contact is performed.

1.2. Search field

The search is performed on the Parameter column.

It consists of an input field and a close button () displayed when the cursor is placed in the input field. To search by part of a word or a number, use the * symbol. You can also use the * character to replace any number of characters.

1.3. Refresh button

Updating the register table is performed by clicking on the refresh button -

(Fig.1 (3)).

1.4. Registry

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Parameter;
  3. Value;
  4. Editing tool;
  5. Removal tool.

1.4.1. Checkbox

Used to select one or more entries. An additional removal tool appears after selecting one or more entries. Information about the number of entries chosen for deletion appears when you hover over this tool. When you click on it, a modal confirmation window appears. It contains the Yes, No, and close () buttons. Clicking the Yes button deletes the entries. Clicking the No button closes the modal window, and the entries are not deleted.

All records on the page will be selected if you select the checkbox in the header.

Fig. 7. Confirm deletion modal window

1.4.2. Parameter

The parameter names are displayed here.

1.4.3. Value

The parameter value is displayed here.

1.4.4. Editing tool

When you click the  button, the Edit parameter modal window opens (Fig. 8), in which you can make changes.

Fig. 8. Edit parameter modal window

Depending on the parameter, the modal window may have several variations.

1.4.5. Removal tool

It is used to remove an object with confirmation through a modal window. A modal confirmation window appears after clicking the button. Clicking the Yes button - deletes the object and the entry. Clicking the No button closes the modal window, and the object is not deleted.

Fig. 9. Confirm deletion modal window

1.5. Pagination

It consists of the Rows per page field, which indicates the number of entries (it is possible to set from 1 to 1000) per page, and forward and backward buttons for switching pages.

2. Opportunities

2.1. Create a Configuration


Create a Configuration

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Configuration section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to create in the Configuration section.


  1. Click the Add button. The New parameter modal window opens.
  2. Enter data. The Save button becomes active.
  3. Click the Save button.


The modal window closes. Configuration is created.

2.2. Delete a Configuration


Delete a Configuration

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Configuration section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Configuration section;
  4. The presence of at least one Configuration.


  1. Find the Configuration you want to delete in the registry;
  2. Click on the delete button — . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  3. Click the Yes button.


The modal window closes. The Configuration is removed.

2.3. Delete several Configurations


Delete several Configurations

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Configuration section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Configuration section;
  4. The presence of at least one Configuration.


  1. Find the Configurations you want to delete in the registry. Select them using the checkbox;
  2. Click on the delete button at the top of the registry. A modal window opens to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click the Yes button.


The modal window closes. Configurations are removed.

2.4. Edit a Configuration


Edit a Configuration

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Configuration section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to edit in the Configuration section;
  4. The presence of at least one Configuration.


  1. Find the Configuration you want to edit in the registry.
  2. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Configuration. The Edit parameter modal window opens.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click the Save button.


The modal window closes. Data saved.


Dialog positionDefaultRightLeftSuggestions25Text score93Picky modeIgnore in this textMissing prepositionSelectShow in accessible to Users who have permissions for the actions Select and Manage system configurations. These permissions are SelectPossible missing preposition found.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationpageShow in textFig. 1. Configuration!page?page:page,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationwindowShow in textFig. 2. New parameter modal windowwindow.window!window?window:window,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationfieldShow in textFig. 3. The Value fieldfield.field!field?field:field,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationswitchShow in textFig. 4. The State switchswitch.switch!switch?switch:switch,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationfieldShow in textFig. 5. The Format fieldfield.field!field?field:field,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPossible typoenable_omnichannelShow in textenable_omnichannel;enable omnichannelenable-omnichannelAn underscore (_) within a word is atypical (except in technical contexts, nicknames, etc.). Make sure that the word ‘enable_omnichannel’ is correct.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textCapitalizationaiShow in textchat_ai_connection;AIFor abbreviations such as ‘artificial intelligence’, use all capital letters. The rare word ‘ai’ is a synonym for ‘three-toed sloth’.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPossible typoexport_settingsShow in textexport_settings;export settingsexport-settingsAn underscore (_) within a word is atypical (except in technical contexts, nicknames, etc.). Make sure that the word ‘export_settings’ is correct.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textCapitalizationaiShow in text1.1.7. chat_ai_connectionAIFor abbreviations such as ‘artificial intelligence’, use all capital letters. The rare word ‘ai’ is a synonym for ‘three-toed sloth’.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textCollocation errorentered in the PasswordShow in text...eter specifies the text that will be displayed if the value entered in the Password field does not fall under the specified regular expression...entered the PasswordThere isn’t usually a preposition after “entered”. Did you mean “entered the Password”?Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textSpellingdivShow in text...field does not fall under the specified regular expression (div.password_regular_expression) (Fig. 6).DIVdiddiedivedigPossible spelling mistake found.Add “div” to personal dictionaryIgnore in this textPunctuationtextShow in textFig. 6. Display password_validation_texttext.text!text?text:text,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textGrammarexportShow in text1.1.10. export_settingsExportThis sentence does not start with an uppercase letter.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPossible typoexport_settingsShow in text1.1.10. export_settingsexport settingsexport-settingsAn underscore (_) within a word is atypical (except in technical contexts, nicknames, etc.). Make sure that the word ‘export_settings’ is correct.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationsettingsShow in text1.1.10. export_settingssettings.settings!settings?settings:settings,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textGrammarxlsShow in textxls;XLSFile types are normally capitalized.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textSpellingcsvShow in textcsv.CSVCSSCTVCSACSIPossible spelling mistake found.Add “csv” to personal dictionaryIgnore in this textSpellingcsvShow in textWhen selecting the csv format, you need to specify the delimiter in the Separator...CSVCSSCTVCSACSIPossible spelling mistake found.Add “csv” to personal dictionaryIgnore in this textGrammarautolinkShow in text1.1.11. autolink_call_to_contactAutolinkThis sentence does not start with an uppercase letter.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationcontactShow in text1.1.11.!contact?contact:contact,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationwindowShow in textFig. 7. Confirm deletion modal windowwindow.window!window?window:window,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationwindowShow in textFig. 8. Edit parameter modal windowwindow.window!window?window:window,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationtoolShow in text1.4.5. Removal tooltool.tool!tool?tool:tool,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhereIgnore in this textPunctuationwindowShow in textFig. 9. Confirm deletion modal windowwindow.window!window?window:window,Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.Turn off rule everywhere7,523 characters

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