Agent metrics
List of possible metrics (Fig.1):
Inbound calls —the number of inbound calls;
Processed Calls — the number of calls in which there was a connection between the two sides;
Missed Calls — the number of missed calls;
Avg Talk Time — the average talk duration;
Avg Hold Time — the average talk time on hold;
Occupancy — the percentage of the call processing time (talk + hold + processing) to the time in the online status;
Utilization — the percentage of time in online status to time in the system;
Accepted chats — the number of accepted chats;
Chat Handling Time — the average time of handling a chat;
Total Talk Time — the time the Agent spent talking to the Subscriber during the call, including call transfers, switching between Agents, etc.;
After Call Work Time — time spent by the Agent on completing all tasks related to the call after it is completed (filling in forms, post-processing, notes, etc.);
Available — the Agent's status indicates they are available to receive calls and ready to work;
Total VM Time — the time when an Agent spends listening to voice messages left by Subscribes;
Queue Talk Time — the time an Agent spends on the line with Subscribers as part of inbound and outbound calls from Queues;
Task Quantity — is the number of tasks an Agent completes during a working day (handling calls, answering emails, chats, etc.).
Fig. 1. Agent metrics
All metrics are considered from 00:00 today to the current moment.
Select the checkbox only on those metrics you need to be displayed (Fig.13).
Fig. 2. Metric setting