Parameters (Predictive Dialer)

Parameters (Predictive Dialer)

1. Description

It is designed to configure the parameters of the predictive dialer.

It consists of the following elements (Fig. 1):

  1. Originate timeout (hh:mm:ss);

  2. Max wait time (hh:mm: ss);

  3. Wait between retries (hh:mm: ss);

  4. Recalculation interval;

  5. Max tasks;

  6. Min predict attempts;

  7. Max attempts;

  8. Max agent lines;

  9. Dialing rate;

  10. Max agent lose calls;

  11. Playback silence;

  12. Abandon rate adjustment;

  13. Auto answer warning tone;

  14. Target abandoned rate %;

  15. Access to pause when there are more online agents than;

  16. Max abandoned %;

  17. Sort members retries by descending;

  18. Load factor

  19. Strict circuit;

  20. Dialing Attempts per each phone number;

  21. Retry abandoned;

  22. Recording;

  23. Allow greeting agent;

  24. Endless;

  25. Sticky.

Fig. 1. Parameters  tab 

1.1. Originate timeout (hh:mm:ss)

Duration of dialing to the Member. How long we will wait for a response from the Member.

1.2. Max wait time (hh:mm:ss)

The maximum time the Member can wait to connect with the Agent after the Member accepts the call.

1.3. Wait between retries (hh:mm:ss)

The time between dialing attempts is the time after which the next call will be made.

1.4. Recalculation interval

Here you select the amount of time for which statistics will be taken into account to calculate the internal parameters for the dіaler's work.

For example, the Recalculation interval is 1 hour. Dialer parameters are recalculated every 30 seconds, taking into account statistics for the last hour.

Dialer parameters are recalculated every 30 seconds, regardless of other settings.

A drop-down list opens by clicking on the Recalculation interval field, from which an interval is selected.

1.5. Max tasks

The maximum allowed number of parallel outgoing calls.

If the value is 0, no calls will be made.e

If a negative value is assigned, all resources will be used (the limit on the number of simultaneous calls will remain).

In predictive mode, the number of simultaneous calls is taken from the Max agent lines field.

In progressive dialing mode (if the parameters Max abandoned % or Min predict attempts are not met) - it is taken from the Progressive call count field on the Agent's General tab.

1.6. Min predict attempts

The minimum number of successful attempts to connect the Member with the Agent is required to collect statistical information for the Predictive Dialer. The dialer works in the progressive dialing mode until this indicator is reached.

1.7. Max attempts

The number of attempts to call the Member is indicated here. Dialing to a Member stops if it is impossible to connect to the Member for the specified number of attempts.

1.8. Max agent lines

The maximum allowable number of parallel outgoing calls can be made per Agent.

1.9. Dialing rate

Step for dialing Members in one iteration.

For example, the system calculated that 20 calls are needed for one successful connection with a Member.

If you set this field to 5, then initially 5 calls will be made, and in the next iteration, another 5. This means that in the second iteration, there will be calls to 10 Members, in the third — to 15, and so on.

If the system calculated that 20 calls are needed for a successful connection with a Member, and the Max agent lines field is set to 12, then in the first iteration there will be 5 calls, in the second 10, and in the third 12.

For the next connection, the calculation will start from the beginning.

1.10. Max agent lose calls

In one iteration of dialing this Agent, the maximum number of successful calls to Members that were not accepted by the Agent (the Agent is not released). After reaching the number of Abandoned calls entered in this field, the system stops making new sets of Members for this Agent until the next successful connection with the Member.

1.11. Playback silence

This enters the time in milliseconds from the beginning of the connection with the Member to the start of playing the media file.

1.12. Abandon rate adjustment

Here you enter the number of first calls that will not be considered for calculating the percentage of abandoned calls.

It is used at the beginning of a Dialer, including the transition from Progressive to Predictive.

1.13. Auto answer warning tone

From the drop-down list of this option, you can select the audio tone the Agent will hear after auto-answer.

If none is selected, the Agent will not receive an audible notification.

If auto-answer is enabled in the Queue, but no alert tone is selected, the default tone sounds.

1.14. Target abandoned rate %

The number in this field indicates the target percentage of abandoned calls (successful dialing attempts accepted by the Members but did not connect to the Agent) relative to the total number of attempts Members accepted.

This is the percentage of lost calls that the dialer will adhere to.

Unit of measurement - percentage (%)

1.15. Access to pause when there are more online agents than:

What the minimum number of online Agents should be for the Agent to be able to switch to pause mode is entered here.

An Agent cannot go into pause mode if the number of Agents online is equal to or less than the number entered in this field.

1.16. Max abandoned %

The number in this field indicates the allowable percentage of abandoned calls (successful dialing attempts accepted by the Members but did not connect to the Agent) relative to the total number of attempts Members accepted.

If this percentage exceeds the specified value, the Predictive Dialer changes to the Progressive Dialer type.

Unit of measurement - percentage (%)

1.17. Sort members retries by descending

Sort call back to Members whose call time was missed, descending (according to the amount of time counted from the scheduled call time to the moment).

1.18. Load factor

It is displayed as a slider with a field in which the value set on the slider is displayed.

1.19. Strict circuit

The strategy is that first, the call will go through one attempt to dial to Members, and then - from the next attempt, taking into account the time of the next call.

The time of the next call is entered in the Wait between retries field. 

If the time of the next call has not yet come, and the calls to Members on the first attempt have already ended, then the dialer will wait until the time of the next call for some Members comes.

1.20. Dialing Attempts per each phone number

Responsible for the ability to make attempts to dial each number specified for a particular Member.

1.21. Retry abandoned

Ability to renew abandoned Members. When this switch is enabled, Members who accept a call but are not connected to an Agent are listed for the following rings.

1.22. Recording

Ability to record a conversation.

The Start record after answer switch appears if the switch is on. It is responsible for registering after the Member has answered.

1.23. Allow greeting agent

Allows the inclusion of a personal greeting before connecting with an Agent. The greeting file is selected from the media resources in the Agent's General tab.

1.24. Endless

When this switch is enabled, Members will not be removed from the call list after a successful call unless the processing is used.

1.25. Sticky

The ability to assign a specific Agent for the Member. An Agent can be chosen when loading a Member into the Queue, or when adding a Member - in the General tab in the Agent  field.

2.  Opportunities

2.1. Change to Predictive Dialer settings


 Change the Queue settings 


 Change the Queue settings 


  1. Access to the Admin application;

  2. Access to the Queues partition in the Admin application;

  3. Permission to edit or create in the Queues partition;

  4. The presence of Predictive Dialer or the creation of a new one.



  1. Click on the field you want to change.

  2. Make the necessary changes (the number can be set using the buttons)

  3. Click the Save button


Data saved.


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