General (Scorecards)
1. Description
Here, you enter information about a Scorecard.
Consists of fields (Fig.1):
Fig. 1. General tab
1.1. Name
Required field. Here the name of the Scorecard is entered.
1.2. Description
Here the description of the Scorecard is entered.
1.3. Team
A field for selecting a Team for which this Scorecard can be applied.
You can select multiple Teams.
1.4. State
The switch is responsible for the possibility of using this Scorecard:
— the Scorecard is displayed in the drop-down list for assessment on the Call visualization tab in the Evaluation tab;
— the Scorecard is not displayed in the drop-down list for evaluation.
2. Opportunities
2.1. Changes in the Scorecard for which no calls have yet been evaluated.
Goal | Change the description of the Scorecard |
Preconditions | |
Result | Data saved. |
2.2. Creating a copy of the Scorecard, according to which at least one call was evaluated
Goal | Create a copy of the Scorecard, according to which at least one call was evaluated |
Preconditions |
Result | Data saved. |