Agents (Teams)
1. Description
It is designed to add Agents to the Team.
It consists of the following elements:
Search field(Fig.1(1));
Creation tool (Fig.1(2));
Refresh button (Fig.1(3));
Registry (Fig.1(4));
Pagination (Fig.1(5)).
1.1. Search field
The search is performed on the Name column.
1.2. Creation tool
Click the add button to add an Agent. The Add agent modal window (Fig. 2) opens after clicking the add button. It consists of the Agent field and the Add and Close buttons.
The drop-down list with Agents opens when you click on the Agent field.
How to create a new Agent can be found here.
1.3. Refresh button
1.4. Registry
The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:
1.4.1. Name
The name of the Agent is displayed here. Clicking on the Agent's name opens that agent's General tab.
1.4.2. Status
It shows what status the Agent is in.
There are such statuses:
Break out.
1.4.3. Supervisor
Displays the Supervisor assigned to the Agent. If there are multiple Supervisors, the name of one Supervisor and the number of other Supervisors are displayed. The field is empty if no Supervisor is assigned. Clicking on the name of a Supervisor opens the Supervisors modal window (Fig. 3), which displays a list of Supervisors assigned to this Agent.
1.4.4. Skills
Here, Agent Skills are displayed. The name of one Skill and the number of other Skills are displayed if there are multiple Skills. The field is empty if no Skills are assigned. Clicking on a Skill opens the Skills modal window (Fig.4), which displays a list of skills assigned to this Agent.
1.5. Pagination
2. Opportunities
2.1. Add an Agent to the Team
Goal | Add an Agent to the Team |
Preconditions |
Result | Agent added |
- 1 1. Description
- 1.1 1.1. Search field
- 1.2 1.2. Creation tool
- 1.3 1.3. Refresh button
- 1.4 1.4. Registry
- 1.4.1 1.4.1. Name
- 1.4.2 1.4.2. Status
- 1.4.3 1.4.3. Supervisor
- 1.4.4 1.4.4. Skills
- 1.5 1.5. Pagination
- 2 2. Opportunities