General (Location)
General (Location)
1. Description
Here you enter information about the Location.
Consists of fields (Fig.1):
Fig. 1. General tab
1.1. Name
Required field. The name of the Location is entered here.
1.2. Description
Here you enter the description of the Location.
1.3. Timezone
The field for selecting the time zone. Required field.
When you click on the Timezone field, a drop-down list opens from which a choice is made. If the required option is not displayed, use the Timezone field to search.
To search by part of the name, use the * symbol. For example, enter *GMT
in the field.
2. Opportunities
2.1. Change the Name/Description/Timezone
Goal | Change the Name/Description/Timezone |
Preconditions |
Steps |
Result | Data saved. |