General (Teams)
1. Description
Here you enter information about a Team.
Consists of fields (Fig.1):
1.1. Name
Required field. Here the name of the Team is entered.
1.2. Strategy
Required field. The field for selecting a strategy for distributing a call to an Agent. It is possible to choose one strategy.
There are such strategies:
Random — random choice;
Agent with fewest calls — selects the Agent with the fewest calls received;
Agent with least talk time — selects the Agent with the most time since the last call;
Round robin — selects an Agent according to the list of Agents;
Round robin bucket — selects an Agent according to the percentage of Buckets in the Queue;
Agent with longest idle time — selects the Agent who has been waiting for the longest;
By skill level — selects Agents based on their Skill levels.
1.3. Admin
Admin — a team leader. Any Agent can be an Admin. It is possible to assign multiple Admins.
1.4. Description
Here the description of the Team is entered.
2. Opportunities
2.1. Change the Name/Description
Goal | Change the Name/Description |
Preconditions |
Result | Data saved. |
2.2. Change the Strategy / Admin
Goal | Change the Strategy / Admin |
Preconditions |
Result | Data saved. |