Chat Gateways

1. Description

The page for connecting to messengers.

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Creation tool (Fig.1(1));
  2. Search field (Fig.1(2));
  3. Refresh button (Fig.1(3));
  4. Registry (Fig.1(4));
  5. Pagination (Fig.1(5)).

Fig. 1. Chat gateways

1.1. Creation tool

Use the Add button to create a new Chat Gateway (Fig.1(1)).  The New chat gateway modal window (Fig.2) opens after clicking the button. The following types of Chat Gateway are available:

  • Telegram Bot;
  • Telegram App;
  • Infobip;
  • Messenger;
  • Viber;
  • Web chat,
  • Custom Chat Gateway.

After selecting and clicking the Create button, the tab of the chosen option opens.

Fig. 2.  New chat gateway modal window

The following tabs are available for Telegram Bot:

The following tabs are available for Telegram App:

The following tabs are available for Infobip:

The following tabs are available for Messenger:

The following tabs are available for Viber:

The following tabs are available for Web chat:

The following tabs are available for Custom Chat Gateway:

1.2. Search field

The search is performed on the Name column.

It consists of an input field and a close button () displayed when the cursor is placed in the input field. To search by part of a word or a number, use the * symbol. You can also use the * character to replace any number of characters.

1.3. Refresh button

Updating the register table is performed by clicking on the refresh button -

(Fig.1 (3)).

1.4. Registry

The registry is a list of entries of existing objects in this section, each of which consists of a set of fields:

  1. Checkbox;
  2. Name;
  3. URI;
  4. Flow;
  5. Provider;
  6. State;
  7. Editing tool;
  8. Removal tool.

If there is no entry on the page, then an additional Add button is displayed in the register, the functionality of which duplicates the Add button in paragraph 1.1.

1.4.1. Checkbox

Used to select one or more entries. An additional removal tool appears after selecting one or more entries. Information about the number of entries chosen for deletion appears when you hover over this tool. When you click on it, a modal confirmation window appears. It contains the Yes, No, and close () buttons. Clicking the Yes button deletes the entries. Clicking the No button closes the modal window, and the entries are not deleted.

All records on the page will be selected if you select the checkbox in the header.

Fig. 3. Confirm deletion modal window

1.4.2. Name

The name of the Chat Gateway is displayed here.

1.4.3. URI

A Uniform Resource Identifier is a compact string of letters that uniquely identifies a single abstract or physical resource. Set when configuring the text gateway.

1.4.4. Flow

Displays the name of the Flow schema that is used. Clicking on the scheme's name opens this Flow schema's General tab or the graphic constructor.

1.4.5. Provider

The emblem of the selected messenger is displayed here.

1.4.6. State

A switch that is responsible for enabling and disabling the Chat Gateway by the position:

- the Chat Gateway is enabled;

- the Chat Gateway is disabled.

1.4.7. Editing tool

The General tab opens after clicking on this button. You can change the object's data and go to other tabs for editing.

1.4.8. Removal tool

It is used to remove an object with confirmation through a modal window. A modal confirmation window appears after clicking the button. Clicking the Yes button - deletes the object and the entry. Clicking the No button closes the modal window, and the object is not deleted.

Fig. 3. Confirm deletion modal window

1.5. Pagination

It consists of the Rows per page field, which indicates the number of entries (it is possible to set from 1 to 1000) per page, and forward and backward buttons for switching pages.

2. Opportunities

2.1. Create a new Chat Gateway


Create a new  Chat Gateway

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Chat Gateways section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to create in the Chat Gateway section.


  1. Click the Add button. The New chat gateway modal window opens.
  2. Select the required option.
  3. Click the Create button. The tab page opens according to the selected messenger.
  4. Enter data. The Save button becomes active.
  5. Click the Save button.


Data saved. The Chat Gateway is created.

2.2. Delete a Chat Gateway


Delete a Chat Gateway

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Chat Gateways section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Chat Gateways section;
  4. The presence of at least one Chat Gateway.


  1. Find the Chat Gateway you want to delete in the registry;
  2. Click on the delete button - . A modal window opens to confirm the deletion;
  3. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. The Chat Gateway is deleted.

2.3. Delete several Chat Gateways


Delete several Chat Gateways

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Chat Gateways section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to select and delete in the Chat Gateways section;
  4. The presence of at least one Chat Gateway.


  1. Find Chat Gateways you want to delete in the registry. Select them using the checkbox;
  2. Click on the delete button at the top of the registry. A modal window opens to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click the Delete button.


The modal window closes. Chat Gateways are deleted.

2.4. Edit a Chat Gateway


Edit a Chat Gateway

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Chat Gateways section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to edit in the Chat Gateways section;
  4. The presence of at least one Chat Gateway.


  1. Find the Chat Gateway you want to edit in the registry.
  2. Click on the edit button in the entry of this Chat Gateway. The messenger tab opens.
  3. Open the tab you need.
  4. Make changes.
  5. Click the Save button.


Data saved.

2.5. Enable/disable a Chat Gateway


Enable/disable a Chat Gateway

  1. Access to the Admin application;
  2. Access to the Chat Gateways section in the Admin application;
  3. Permission to edit in the Chat Gateways section;
  4. The presence of at least one Chat Gateway.


  1. Find the Chat Gateway you want to enable/disable in the registry entries.
  2. Move the switch in the State column to the active/inactive position.


The Chat Gateway is enabled/disabled