Attempt Result

1. Description

The component is responsible for post-processing, leaving a corresponding message in the call history at a particular call status.

This component is present in flow types like:

  • Processing;
  • Service.

The block (Fig.1(1)) is used in space to build the Flow.  The settings panel for this component opens (Fig.1(2)) when you click on the block.

Fig.1. Attempt Result component

1.1. Attempt Result block

The block consists of the following elements:

  1. The name of the component;
  2. in branch - receiving (connecting with the previous block) branch;
  3. out branch - outgoing (connecting with the following block) branch.

1.2. Attempt Result settings panel

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Status;
  2. Wait between retries;
  3. Sticky display;
  4. Add communication;
  5. Ready At;
  6. Description
  7. Break;
  8. Add limit.

1.2.1. Status

It is designed to select the call status at which the text from the Description field will be written to the call history.

Click on the Status field to select a status, select the required one, and click the Add button.

You can select the status from the drop-down list or set your own by entering the text in the field.

The following options are available in the dropdown list:

  • Success;
  • Abandoned.

1.2.2. Wait between retries

Here, you enter how long to wait after an unsuccessful attempt to allocate the next attempt to the Agent. It is specified in seconds.

1.2.3. Sticky display

Responsible for linking the number that will be displayed to the subscriber. That is, which number will be displayed when calling again:

 - the same number is displayed;

 - the number displayed will be randomly selected from the list of possible ones.

1.2.4. Add communication

Responsible for the ability to add a new number for a subsequent attempt.

 - the option is disabled;

 - the option is enabled.

When this option is enabled, the following fields appear:

  • Destination - contact information, for example, phone number;
  • Communication type - communication type for the number that is being added;
  • Priority - priority for the number being added relative to other contact information.

1.2.5. Ready At

This is the time in timestamp format (mostly will be passed from the Form Datetime Picker component) from the variable that will set the time of the next call.

1.2.6. Description

This field enters the message that will be recorded in the call history.

1.2.7. Break

Responsible for the completion of the flow execution.

- initiates the end of the flow execution after the given component.

- the switch is in the off position.

1.2.8. Add limit

It is intended to determine the maximum number of passes through this component.

The failover branch appears in the edited component when the limit is set .

The failover branch will be used if more passes are passed through the component than entered in the Max field.

Clicking on the Add Limit button adds a Max field and a Delete limit button.

The number of possible passes is indicated in the Max field.

Clicking on the Delete limit button removes the limit and returns the Add limit button.

Fig. 2. Setting a limit