HTTP Request

HTTP Request

1. Description

It is designed to execute an HTTP REST request and process the result.

It integrates third-party systems (for example, Creatio, 1C).

It allows you to determine to whom to route the call and receive information about the subscriber from the CRS system.

This component is present in flow types like:

  • Voice;

  • Chat;

  • Forms;

  • Service.

The block (Fig.1(1)) is used in space to build the Flow. The settings panel for this component opens (Fig.1(2)) when you click on the block.

HTTP Request.png
Fig.1. HTTP Request component

1.1. HTTP Request block

The block consists of the following elements:

  1. The name of the component;

  2. In branch — receiving (connecting with the previous block) branch;

  3. Out branch — outgoing (connecting with the following block) branch. When hovering over the Out field, a switch appears. The switch allows this component to be connected to a component that already has a connection.

The presence of an icon indicates that the switch is on, and this component can be connected to a component that already has a connection.

Changing the switch position removes the outgoing branch of this component.

The button deletes the block from the Flow Schema.

1.2. HTTP Request settings panel

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Url;

  2. Methods;

  3. Timeout;

  4. Insecure skip verify;

  5. Response Code to variable;

  6. Cookie to variable;

  7. Use cache;

  8. Headers;

  9. Path;

  10. Request data;

  11. Export variables;

  12. Break;

  13. Limit;

  14. Add description.

1.2.1. Url

Here, you enter the URL address to which to make a request.

1.2.2. Methods

Here, you choose the method that will be used for the request.

The following options are available:

  • Post;

  • Put;

  • Get;

  • Delete;

  • Patch.

1.2.3. Timeout

Enter the maximum time to wait for a response in this field.

1.2.4. Insecure skip verify

Responsible for the use of self-signed certificates.

— do not use;

— use.

1.2.5. Response Code to variable

Enter the variable's name in which you want to write the server's response in this field.

1.2.6. Cookie to variable

Enter the variable's name in which you want to write the cookies transmitted in this field.

1.2.7. Use cache

Responsible for the ability to save cash.

— the cache is not saved;

— the cache is saved.

1.2.8. Headers

It is designed to send HTTP headers.

1.2.9. Path

It is designed to pass a variable to the URL address.

For example, it is used when it is necessary to pass caller_id_number to the link (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Path

1.2.10. Request data

This is where the request body is entered.

1.2.11. Export variables

It is intended to write the answer into variables and break it down into details for further analysis.

1.2.12. Break

1.2.13. Limit

Fig. 3. Setting a limit

1.2.14. Add description

Fig. 4. Add description

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