Join Agent

Join Agent

1. Description

It is designed to put the subscriber in the agent's queue.

This component is present in flow types like:

  • Voice.

The block (Fig.1(1)) is used in space to build the Flow. The settings panel for this component opens (Fig.1(2)) when you click on the block.

Fig. 1. Join Agent component

1.1. Join Agent block

The block consists of the following elements:

  1. The name of the component;

  2. In branch — receiving (connecting with the previous block) branch;

  3. Bridged branch —  to act on the connection event (the agent accepted a call or chat);

  4. Out branch — outgoing (connecting with the following block) branch.

When hovering over the Out, or Bridged field, a switch appears. The switch allows this component to be connected to a component that already has a connection.

The presence of an  icon indicates that the switch is on, and this component can be connected to a component that already has a connection.

Changing the switch position removes the outgoing branch of this component.

The  button deletes the block from the Flow Schema.

1.2. Join Agent settings panel

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Agent Extension;

  2. Queue name;

  3. Ringtone;

  4. Cancel distribute;

  5. Processing;

  6. Break;

  7. Limit;

  8. Add description.

1.2.1. Agent Extension

Here, enter the extension of the Agent to whom you want to put the subscriber.

1.2.2. Queue name

Here, enter the name of the Queue to display to the Agent.

1.2.3. Ringtone

It is intended for selecting a media file that will be played while the subscriber is waiting. Clicking on the field opens a drop-down list with available media files. You can select from the drop-list or set it manually.

1.2.4. Cancel distribute

Responsible for removing an Agent from a reservation (used in a predictive or progressive Queue) if the Agent is reserved.

- do not remove the Agent from the reservation;

- remove the Agent from the reservation;

1.2.5. Processing

It consists of the following elements:

  1. Waiting for call result;

  2. Dynamic processing schema. Waiting for call result

Responsible for enabling post-processing

— post-processing is disabled;

— post-processing is enabled.

When post-processing is enabled, the following fields are added:

  1. Notify to continue after (sec);

  2. Postprocessing time (sec). Notify to continue after (sec)

Here, enter the amount of time until the end of the time to process the results of the call, after which the button for adding time to process the call will appear. Postprocessing time (sec)

Here, enter the amount of time for processing the results of the call, which will be added when you click on the add time button. Dynamic processing schema

A field for selecting the Flow schema according to which the dynamic page will be displayed.

When post-processing is disabled, the Dynamic processing schema field is inactive.

1.2.6. Break

1.2.7. Limit

Fig. 2. Setting a limit

1.2.8. Add description

Fig. 3. Add description


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