General (Chat Inbound Queue)
1. Description
Here, you can enter general information about the Queue.
Consists of fields (Fig.1):
Stop list;
1.1. Name
The name of the Queue is entered here. The name must be unique.
1.2. Calendar
Here, you can choose which Calendar the Queue runs on.
When you click on the Calendar field, a drop-down list opens from which a choice is made. If the required Calendar is not displayed, use the Calendar field to search.
How to create a new Calendar can be found here.
1.3. Stop list
Here you select a list of Members who will be automatically rejected - the blocklist.
When you click on the Stop list field, a drop-down list opens from which a choice is made. If the required list is not displayed, use the Stop list field to search.
How to create a new call list can be found here.
1.4. Priority
Determine which Queue to service first. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
1.5. Strategy
The strategy of getting the Member into the Queue. This only applies to outbound Queues (Dialers) but does not affect inbound Queues and chats. There are the following strategies:
FIFO (First In First Out) - those Members who are in the Queue the longest are connected to the agent. When re-entering the Queue, the Member takes a position, taking into account the time of the repeated call;
LIFO (Last In First Out) - those Members who have just entered the Queue are connected to the agent (least time in Queue). When re-entering the Queue, the Member takes a position, taking into account the time of the repeated call;
Strict FIFO (First In First Out) - first, there will be one attempt to connect all Members from the Queue with the agent, after which repeated attempts will be made. Those Members in the Queue for the longest time are connected to the Agent during repeated attempts. When re-entering the Queue, the Member takes the last position.
1.6. Team
Here you can select a Team that will work with this Queue. If you do not choose a Team, any free Agent that matches the Skills will be selected.
When you click on the Team field, a drop-down list opens from which a choice is made. If the required Team is not displayed, use the Team field to search.
How to create a new Team can be found here.
1.7. Tags
The tags for this Queue are entered here.
1.8. Description
The field for entering a description of the Queue.
2. Opportunities
2.1. Change the Queue Name/Priority/Description
Goal | Change the Queue Name/Priority/Description |
Preconditions |
Result | Data saved. |
2.2. Change the Queue Calendar/Stop list/Strategy/Team
Goal | Change the Gueue Calendar/Stop list |
Preconditions |
Result | Data saved. |